Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.
The Council minutes described CS
as a person who had not lived in Australia for forty years and whose Australian citizenship was in doubt. Nor was her contribution to...
Literary responses
Christina Stead
More than twenty years later Anthony Samuel Curtis
(also in Times Literary Supplement) found this novel flawed by a somewhat obvious plot and a sentimental approach. But he did this in the context of...
Christina Stead
In 1974 Stead won the $6,000 Patrick White
Literary Award, which White had set up with his own Nobel Prize money, targeted chiefly at older and under-appreciated Australian writers. When Saul Bellow
received the Nobel...
Textual Features
Fleur Adcock
Smokers for Celibacy is another poem with wit and shock value that have given it celebrity. But the plangent tone of My Father (one in a succession of moving poems for the dead that go...
Textual Production
Elizabeth Jolley
invoked as an appropriate description of her own motivation, Flaubert
's dictum that writing comes from an inner wound.
Joussen, Ulla. “An Interview with Elizabeth Jolley”. Kunapipi, Vol.
, No. 2, 1993, pp. 37-43.
She said of Johnson
's Rasselas and Goethe
's Elective Affinities (both of which...
Textual Production
Desmond MacCarthy
had launched Life and Letters in June 1928; it issued its last number this month, and Bryher's new publication first appeared in September. It merged it with the London Mercury after May 1939...
10 December 1973: Australian Patrick White was awarded the...
Writing climate item
10 December 1973
Australian Patrick White
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The citation said he had introduced a new continent into literature. He was unable for health reasons to travel to Stockholm, and his acceptance...