Sinclair Lewis

Standard Name: Lewis, Sinclair


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Dorothy Richardson
Throughout the late 1910s and 1920s, DR 's other friends and acquaintances included Violet Hunt , May Sinclair , Marianne Moore , C. A. Dawson-Scott , Catherine Carswell , and Sinclair Lewis .
Richardson, Dorothy. Windows on Modernism: Selected Letters of Dorothy Richardson. Editor Fromm, Gloria G., University of Georgia Press, 1995.
39, 107, 138, 141, 170, 284
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
In Paris NH quickly re-acquainted herself with old friends and met new ones, re-establishing her presence at the popular cafés. She re-connected with Marie Wassilieff , Zadkine , Brancusi , Aleister Crowley , and others...
Literary responses Storm Jameson
A number of Jameson's critics considered this work to be propaganda rather than creative writing: an attempt to repeat Sinclair Lewis 's more successful It Can't Happen Here (1935).
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 36. Gale Research, 1985.
36: 75
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Literary responses Ethel Mannin
Critic Andy Croft calls these unremarkable novels, generic and conventional,
Croft, Andy. “Ethel Mannin: The Red Rose of Love and the Red Flower of Liberty”. Rediscovering Forgotten Radicals: British Women Writers 1889-1939, edited by Angela Ingram and Daphne Patai, University of North Carolina Press, 1993, pp. 205-25.
but Beverly E. Schneller in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography says that Sounding Brass (which follows its power-hungry protagonist, Rickard, from young manhood...
Occupation Natalie Clifford Barney
A few years later, in 1925, Barney approached Pound with her ideas for a new bilingual literary magazine, which she planned to edit with Sinclair Lewis .
Sieburth, Richard. “Ezra Pound: Letters to Natalie Barney”. Paideuma: A Journal Devoted to Ezra Pound Scholarship, Vol.
, 1976, pp. 279-95.
Pound was discouraging, telling her that he...
Reception Willa Cather
In 1917 WC was awarded an honorary doctorate by her alma mater, the University of Nebraska . She received the Pulitzer Prize in 1923. When Sinclair Lewis won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1930...
Reception Christina Stead
In 1974 Stead won the $6,000 Patrick White Literary Award, which White had set up with his own Nobel Prize money, targeted chiefly at older and under-appreciated Australian writers. When Saul Bellow received the Nobel...
Reception Radclyffe Hall
The Well of Loneliness was also prosecuted for obscenity in the United States. There RH received support from writers including Ernest Hemingway , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Sinclair Lewis , Ellen Glasgow , Edna St Vincent Millay
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Storm Jameson
Jameson briefly praises the writings of Mansfield , Conrad , Hardy , and James , along with Willa Cather and Sinclair Lewis . However, she concentrates her study on the way other Georgian authors have...


23 October 1920: In his novel Main Street, Sinclair Lewis...

Writing climate item

23 October 1920

In his novel Main Street, Sinclair Lewis excoriated the small-town life often represented in American literature as the backbone of national life.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
23 October 2008
Oehlschlaeger, Fritz H. “Hamlin Garland and the Pullitzer Prize Controversy of 1921”. American Literature, Vol.
, No. 3, Nov. 1979, pp. 409-14.


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