Charles Lyell

Standard Name: Lyell, Charles


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Christina Rossetti
At first a private tutor of Italian, Gabriele gained some prestige but no direct financial advantage when he was appointed Professor of Italian at King's College (founded in August 1829).
Rossetti, Christina. “Memoir; Notes”. The Poetical Works of Christina Georgina Rossetti, edited by William Michael Rossetti, Norwood, 1979, pp. xlv - lxxi; 459.
He was also a...
Friends, Associates Mary Somerville
In London the Somervilles enjoyed participating in a rich scientific community: Mary's time there was much happier than during her first marriage. She attended many lectures at the Royal Institution , and took lessons in...
Friends, Associates Maria Grey
The Shirreffs were a sociable family whose friends and acquaintances were varied. The scientist Mary Somerville , geologist Sir Charles Lyell , and Sir William Grove , inventor of the Grove battery, were numbered among...
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
FPC 's wide London circle included Walter Bagehot , Frances Sarah Colenso and her husband Bishop Colenso (while they were home from Africa), Henry Fawcett , Charles Kingsley , W. E. H. Lecky , Sir Charles Lyell
Intertextuality and Influence Maria Callcott
This article drew considerable response. It was an important element in the evidence offered for a theory of earthquakes which Charles Lyell put forward in Principles of Geology, which he began to publish in...
Leisure and Society Georgiana Chatterton
Her salon had sufficient standing for geologist Charles Lyell to write with regret on 9 February 1843 when it turned out that celebrations for the Geological Society Anniversary would clash with one of her parties.
“The Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton”. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
politics Emily Davies
ED 's petition was a request for funding to establish a College for women. It was signed by 521 teachers of girls and 175 others, including Robert Browning , George Grote , Thomas Huxley ,...
Publishing Julia Wedgwood
JW published an article in Macmillan's Magazine entitled Lyell on the Antiquity of Man.
Sir Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology had already been through several editions.
Houghton, Walter E., and Jean Harris Slingerland, editors. The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900. University of Toronto Press, 1966–1989, 5 vols.
Textual Production Mary Somerville
As was normal practice for scientific texts at the time, MS had canvassed a number of her learned friends for aid in preparing and proofreading her manuscript. Lord Brougham , Michael Faraday , James Forbes


June 1830: Charles Lyell's first volume of The Principles...

Building item

June 1830

Charles Lyell 's first volume of The Principles of Geology inaugurated his three-volume study demonstrating that the earth is several million years old.
Dean, Dennis R. “Through Science to Despair: Geology and the Victorians”. Victorian Science and Victorian Values: Literary Perspectives, edited by James Paradis and Thomas Postlewait, New York Academy of Sciences, 1981, pp. 111-36.
Sedgwick, William Thompson et al. A Short History of Science. Macmillan, 1939.
Jay, Mike. “Like Cooking a Dumpling”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 22, 20 Nov. 2014, pp. 25-6.

1833-1835: Early periods of the earth's history were...

Building item


Early periods of the earth's history were variously identified by Charles Lyell and Adam Sedgwick of England, and Roderick Impey Murchison of Scotland.
Hellemans, Alexander, and Bryan Bunch. The Timetables of Science: A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Science. Simon and Shuster, 1988.
Van Riper, A. Bowdoin. Men Among the Mammoths: Victorian Science and the Discovery of Human Prehistory. University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Porter, Roy. “Gentleman and Geology: The Emergence of A Scientific Career, 1660-1920”. Historical Journal, Vol.
, 1978, pp. 809-36.

1 July 1858: Papers on the theory of natural selection...

Building item

1 July 1858

Papers on the theory of natural selection by Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin were read at a meeting of the Linnean Society .
Wallace, Alfred Russel. “Introduction”. Alfred Russel Wallace: An Anthology of His Shorter Writings, edited by Charles H. Smith, Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 1-8.
3, 5

1859: Charles Lyell's address as president of the...

Building item


Charles Lyell 's address as president of the geological section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) supported the new consensus that humans had lived among now-extinct mammals in a Europe that...

: Papers announcing geologists' new evolutionary...

National or international item

Spring 1859

Papers announcing geologists' new evolutionary arguments for human antiquity appeared, scant months before Darwin 's Origin of Species was published.
Van Riper, A. Bowdoin. Men Among the Mammoths: Victorian Science and the Discovery of Human Prehistory. University of Chicago Press, 1993.

1864: Jules Verne published A Journey to the Centre...

Writing climate item


Jules Verne published A Journey to the Centre of the Earth; this French science-fiction novel was translated into English in 1872.
Gallagher, Edward Joseph et al. Jules Verne: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography. G. K. Hall, 1980.


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