George Augustin Macmillan

Standard Name: Macmillan, George Augustin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates May Laffan
She exchanged letters with both George Augustin Macmillan and Sir George Grove . Her social circle while she was visiting London included a surprisingly large number of literary names. Rhoda Broughton was a friend of...
Material Conditions of Writing May Laffan
She was furious at being identified, as she intensely disliked publicity. In an angry letter to George Grove , editor of the magazine, she wrote: I thought I had clearly made it understood to the...
politics May Laffan
Her correspondence with her editor George Augustin Macmillan includes frequent criticism of British policy and political leaders. The letters have unfortunately since been destroyed—likely by Macmillan himself, as in a letter written on 24 October...
Publishing Mary Kingsley
MK approached George Macmillan , her uncle Charles 's publisher, with the manuscript The Bights of Benin.
Frank, Katherine. A Voyager Out: The Life of Mary Kingsley. Houghton Mifflin, 1986.
Publishing May Laffan
ML allusively published Ismay's Children, which was her last novel to see print in volume form—it may have been previously serialised—and probably written years before this.
Helena Kelleher Kahn finds evidence that this work...
Reception May Laffan
Writing to her publisher George Augustin Macmillan in 1878, ML celebrated the effects of her work. She rejoiced that it was bought by everybody—and had the good effect of reforming the constitution of ever so...
Textual Production May Laffan
Many of ML 's letters to the publishing firm of Macmillan (to George Augustin Macmillan especially) survive. In 1884 she wrote a short manifesto on education for Catholic girls in the form of a letter...
Textual Production May Laffan
Chapman and Hall published ML 's novella A Singer's Story, as by the author of Flitters, Tatters and the Counsellor. This was her single work in the moral tale genre, and probably her...


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