Eliza Fletcher

Standard Name: Fletcher, Eliza
Birth Name: Eliza Dawson
Married Name: Eliza Fletcher
Writing during the later eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century, EG was an early poet and occasional travel diarist, a lifelong letter-writer, habitual family memoirist, and eventually an autobiographer. Her involvement in political and reformist movements of her day gives much of her writing a strong political interest.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Helen Craik
The name of Craik seems to have been the one that persisted in this family, for the autobiographer Eliza Fletcher , née Dawson, who was nearly twenty years younger than HC , had a school...
Friends, Associates Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck
She knew other distinguished writers from the previous generation too, and her friends both before and after her marriage included many in the world of literature. A couple of years after this she spent the...
Friends, Associates Anne Grant
At about this time her friends included Robert Southey , Joanna Baillie , and Eliza Fletcher . With the last-named her warm and close personal friendship triumphed over their opposing politics (Grant being a Tory...
Friends, Associates Margaret Holford
Holford seems to have cared about making influential friends, and succeeded in doing so although she lived in the provinces. She established a correspondence with Sir Walter Scott , and although their relationship got off...
Friends, Associates Joanna Baillie
Over the course of her long life JB made dozens of well-loved friends, many of them either professional writers like herself or else writing amateurs. They included Lucy Aikin , Mary Berry , Eliza Fletcher
Friends, Associates Anna Letitia Barbauld
Joanna Baillie , who lived near the Barbaulds in Hampstead, was one of ALB 's greatest friends. In Barbauld's later years her friends included Samuel Rogers , Madame D'Arblay , Eliza Fletcher (who first visited...
Friends, Associates Maria Edgeworth
Among her many social engagements, she attended a house-party at the home of Whig MP and agriculturalist Sir John Sebright , whose guests included Dr Wollaston and the science-writers Jane Marcet and Mary Somerville ...
Friends, Associates Ann Yearsley
After the debacle with More , AY acquired a higher-status patron in Frederick Augustus Hervey, Earl of Bristol and Bishop of Derry , a man who could afford to ignore public opinion, and who supported...
Intertextuality and Influence Ann Yearsley
As early as March-April 1788 AY 's backers Eliza Dawson and Wilmer Gossip were suggesting that a play would offer a better chance of financial return than poetry. Yearsley drafted her lost play Bawdin at...
Occupation Anna Letitia Barbauld
She may in fact have had such a pupil at Palgrave. After settling at Hampstead she was never without several of them: probably between thirty and forty over the years.
McCarthy, William. Anna Letitia Barbauld, Voice of the Enlightenment. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
Her pupils included the...
Publishing Ann Yearsley
In this volume she meant to prove that her poetry was even better when not tampered with by Hannah More . Her Preface relates the circumstances of their quarrel over the terms of the trust...
Textual Production Ann Yearsley
AY had told Eliza Dawson she was working, even before the failed attempt to get Bawdin staged, on a tragedy entitled Earl Goodwin.
Waldron, Mary. “A Different Kind of Patronage: Ann Yearsley’s Later Friends”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2002, pp. 283-35.
It was finished and transcribed by November, when Lord Bristol...
Textual Production Ann Yearsley
Benefit performances brought AY about £120, even though the one at Bristol was postponed from the normal third night to the fourth.
Waldron, Mary. “A Different Kind of Patronage: Ann Yearsley’s Later Friends”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2002, pp. 283-35.
318, 320
Eliza Dawson was keen for the play to be produced in...
Textual Production Ann Yearsley
During the time she was preparing these poems for publication, Yearsley equipped herself with a new team of patrons: Wilmer Gossip , a Yorkshire landowner with poor health, who was given to spending time at...


No timeline events available.


Fletcher, Eliza. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher, of Edinburgh. Editor Richardson, Mary, Lady, Printed at the offices of C. Thurman for private circulation, 1874.
Fletcher, Eliza. Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher, of Edinburgh. Cambridge University Press, 2010, http://www.cambridge.org/series/sSeries.asp?code=CLOR.
Fletcher, Eliza. Elidure and Edward. Privately printed by Thomas Davison, 1825.