Austin Phelps

Standard Name: Phelps, Austin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
ESP 's father, Austin Phelps , was the son of a revivalist preacher and later became a clergyman in Boston. Uncomfortable with his pastorate, he assumed the position of professor of theology at Andover Theological Seminary
Instructor Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
The only daughter in a family of boys, ESP credited her father for her intellectual development: He was my climate. As soon as I began to think, I began to reverence thought and study and...
politics Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
She continued to engage in feminist advocacy work despite her father's strong opposition, and that of her community: It is almost impossible to understand, now, what it meant when I was twenty-five, for a young...
Textual Production Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
ESP published a tribute to her father (had died the year before): Austin Phelps : A Memoir.
Kessler, Carol Farley. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Twayne, 1982.
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