Charles Walter Stansby Williams

Standard Name: Williams, Charles Walter Stansby


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Dorothy L. Sayers
Her translation, commissioned by Penguin , made a double volume in the Penguin Classics. It had diagrams by C. W. Scott-Giles , notes, commentaries, a glossary, a dedication to the dead master of the...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Ridler
Anne Bradby (later AR ) was still at school when she first met Charles Williams , the poet, Christian apologist, novelist, playwright and essayist, who was a friend of her headmistress, and came to lecture...
Friends, Associates Florence Marryat
FM became well known in spiritualist circles and acquainted with all the best mediums.
qtd. in
Hill, Georgina O’Brien. “’Above the Breath of Suspicion’: Florence Marryat and the Shadow of the Fraudulent Trance Medium”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Dec. 2008, pp. 333-47.
She mentions the names of many spiritualists she knew, both professional mediums and amateur seekers like herself. Among the first...
Instructor Anne Ridler
She lived in a King's College hostel in Queensborough Terrace near Hyde Park,London. The course included lectures on history and literature. The distinguished scholar Jack Isaacs lectured on Shakespeare , Donne , and Milton
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Ridler
AR wrote that the two great influences on her as a poet (because they helped her to find her own voice) were Sir Thomas Wyatt and W. H. Auden . Eliot , too, was inescapable...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Butts
Butts idealises her childhood home at Salterns on the shores of Poole Harbour as a place of extreme natural beauty that contrasts with the filth of the modern world: Half of Poole Harbour is still...
Literary responses Mary Butts
The Macedonian received extensive reviews in major newspapers like The Observer, the Manchester Guardian, and the Manchester Evening News, and was also discussed in local papers like the Leytonshire Express, the...
Literary responses Mary Butts
The novel's success was slightly diminished by comparisons drawn between it and Jack Lindsay 's Last Days With Cleopatra, which appeared just a few weeks before it.
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
It did, however, receive several positive...
Literary responses Mary Butts
Although her work received mixed reviews, MB was generally recognized as an important if eccentric literary figure during her lifetime, and she was highly praised by other modernist writers, including Ezra Pound , Marianne Moore
Publishing Anne Ridler
AR produced Notes on the Taliessin Poems of Charles Williams, published at Oxford by the Charles Williams Society .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Publishing Gerard Manley Hopkins
Bridges had already been trying the water by introducing a few individual Hopkins poems into anthologies. Only 750 copies of this edition were printed. The British Library copy contains manuscript notes by C. H. Wilkinson
Reception Evelyn Underhill
A volume of EU 's letters was published in 1944, edited and introduced by Charles Williams . Dana Greene has edited two selections from her writings, in 1988 and 1993. In her biography, Evelyn Underhill...
Textual Features Anne Ridler
Her introduction to the first selection, she said later, was more influenced by Coleridge than by Charles Williams .
Ridler, Anne. Memoirs. The Perpetua Press, 2004, p. 240 pp.
It was an important feature of the volume, ranging itself alongside such prestigious Shakespeare critics...
Textual Features Dorothy Whipple
DW also presents, with deliberate naivete, the ups and downs of her own career: her high points and failures of confidence. As her confidence grows, her narrative embraces funny anecdotes, moving moments, penetrating insights, and...
Textual Production Anne Ridler
AR published her first volume of Poems with Oxford University Press (thanks, she said, to her uncle Humphrey Milford and to Charles Williams ).
Ridler, Anne. Memoirs. The Perpetua Press, 2004, p. 240 pp.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2024, Numerous volumes.
80: 358


No timeline events available.


Underhill, Evelyn. The Letters of Evelyn Underhill. Editor Williams, Charles Walter Stansby, Longmans, Green, 1944.
Williams, Charles Walter Stansby. “The Place of the Lion, 1933”. Project Gutenberg.