Claire Clairmont

Standard Name: Clairmont, Claire


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Frances Trollope
FT 's tolerance of her local vicar was tested, however, when the poet Byron decided to have his five-year-old, illegitimate daughter Allegra —born to Claire Clairmont —buried at Harrow-on-the-Hill, near which he had spent time...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and Percy Bysshe Shelley met in Hatton Garden, London, to elope to France; with them went her stepsister, Claire Clairmont .
Shelley, Mary. “Introduction”. Frankenstein, edited by David Lorne Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf, Broadview, 1994, pp. 11-43.
Jump, Harriet Devine. “Monstrous Stepmother: Mary Shelley and Mary Jane Godwin”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, 1999, pp. 297-08.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Shelley
At the time of her marriage, Mary Jane Godwin had a son and a daughter—Jane, who later changed her name to Claire —who proved lastingly important in MS 's life.
Hill-Miller, Katherine C. ’My Hideous Progeny’: Mary Shelley, William Godwin, and the Father-Daughter Relationship. University of Delaware Press; Associated University Presses, 1995.
24, 44
Emotionally intense...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Shelley
Percy Shelley had dreams of enacting sexual liberation which Mary did not fully share. In France in 1814 she declined to swim naked in a river with him; according to Claire she objected that it...
Family and Intimate relationships William Godwin
He was already famous (or, to some, infamous) for his writings when he and Mary Wollstonecraft became lovers in August 1796. They married on 29 March 1797 (although both of them disapproved of the institution...
Family and Intimate relationships George Gordon sixth Baron Byron
Apart from Byron's rumoured sexual relation with his half-sister, Augusta Leigh , the most notorious among his many affairs were those with Lady Caroline Lamb , Claire Clairmont , and Teresa Guiccioli . Lamb's remarkable...
Friends, Associates Mary Shelley
The party consisted of Mary and Percy Shelley , their baby William, Mary's sister Claire Clairmont , Byron , and Dr John W. Polidori . Claire had become Byron's mistress, and in January 1817 bore...
Friends, Associates George Gordon sixth Baron Byron
His final exit from England was made in the company of Hobhouse , and on the shores of Lake Geneva he met up with Percy and Mary Shelley and Mary's step-sister Claire Clairmont , with...
Publishing Mary Shelley
MS and her half-sister, Claire Clairmont , published a story in the Court Magazine and Belle Assemblée, about a Polish refugee.
Vargo, Lisa. “Lodore and the Novel of Society”. Womens Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, 1999, pp. 425-40.
Residence Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin , Shelley , and Claire Clairmont returned from abroad, in financial straits, to London, where they lived in a series of lodgings.
Mellor, Anne K. Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters. Routledge, 1988.
Textual Features Mary Shelley
Within the next couple of days she read two more books by Wollstonecraft (along with works by Livy and Milton ). But she says nothing about these texts, or about the experience of reading them...
Textual Production George Paston
GP had discovered these letters—written by, among others, Elizabeth Pigot , Lady Caroline Lamb , Augusta Leigh , Lady Melbourne , Annabella Milbanke , Claire Clairmont , and the actresses Susan Boyce and Mrs Spencer...
Textual Production Emma Tennant
For Felony: The Private History of The Aspern Papers: A Novel, ET used Henry James 's friendship with Constance Fenimore Woolson , and Mary Shelley 's stepsister Claire Clairmont as source for his novel.
“Emma Tennant”. Fantastic Fiction.
Travel Mary Shelley
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin , Shelley , and Claire Clairmont travelled through France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland.
Shelley, Mary. “Introduction”. Frankenstein, edited by David Lorne Macdonald and Kathleen Scherf, Broadview, 1994, pp. 11-43.


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