Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron

Standard Name: Noel Byron, Anne Isabella,,, Baroness
Used Form: Anne Isabella Milbanke
Used Form: Annabella Milbanke
Used Form: Annabella, Lady Noel Byron
Used Form: Annabella, Baroness Noel Byron
Used Form: Lady Byron
Used Form: Lady Noel Byron


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Caroline Lamb
Her mother then fell ill; Caroline was persuaded that she was to blame and in early September, her parents and husband bore her off to Bessborough House in Kilkenny, Ireland.
Douglass, Paul. Lady Caroline Lamb. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
Her exchange of...
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Ada Byron
Ada's mother, Lady Noel Byron , née Anne Isabella (generally called Annabella) Milbanke, was an active philanthropist and had mathematical interests that led Byron to dub her the Princess of Parallelograms. She was a...
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Ada Byron
Some, including Lady Byron , speculated that Medora was the child of Byron and his half-sister Augusta Byron Leigh . AAB had already, in 1828, broken with Augusta over the issue of publishing Byron's letters...
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Ada Byron
Jealous of the interest her daughter was showing in the man she had worked to demonize, Lady Noel Byron was angered by Ada's visit to Newstead, and relations between the two deteriorated significantly after the...
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Ada Byron
Her mother survived till 1860. Unwillingly enmeshed in family scandals, and having already destroyed various papers, she burned more after Ada's death and embargoed her correspondence for thirty years. But while she was silent others...
Family and Intimate relationships George Gordon sixth Baron Byron
Lord Byron 's marriage to Annabella Milbanke was at least in part engineered by Lady Melbourne , mother-in-law of Lady Caroline Lamb . Annabella had refused Byron once before she accepted him.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Douglass, Paul. Lady Caroline Lamb. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
128-30, 134-5
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Hervey
EH 's probably full social life has left few traces. She is mentioned twice among Mary Berry 's circle in 1791, and Berry paid her the oblique compliment of calling her Mrs. Pompoustown Hervey after...
Friends, Associates Mary Carpenter
This house was bought for her by Lady Byron , who also arranged for Carpenter's close friend and fellow activist Frances Power Cobbe to move into Red Lodge with her in November that year. Cobbe...
Friends, Associates Caroline Clive
Lady Byron was another of the Clives' acquaintances. Following a visit in 1843, CC wrote: That is the woman that has been tossed about by such vehement passions, by contact with such a fiery nature...
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
Seeking a purpose in life, she had met her lifelong friend Clementia or Mentia Taylor and other social activists in London. The arrangement with Carpenter was facilitated by her supporter Lady Byron , who...
Friends, Associates Anna Brownell Jameson
Robert Noel introduced ABJ to Annabella, Lady Byron , and they became close friends.
Thomas, Clara. Love and Work Enough: The Life of Anna Jameson. University of Toronto Press, 1967.
Friends, Associates Frances Power Cobbe
Friends, Associates Joanna Baillie
Other friends included the Hon. Judith Milbanke (whose daughter became Lady Byron ), Lady Byron herself (whom Baillie strongly supported during the long-drawn-out unpleasantness of her marriage), Henry Reeve , William Sotheby , William Harness
Friends, Associates Anna Brownell Jameson
By 1840, ABJ expressed a desire to be of service to Lady Byron in her affairs. When Elizabeth Medora Leigh (supposedly the daughter of Byron and his half-sister Augusta Leigh ) arrived in England to...
Friends, Associates Harriet Martineau
For nearly six years she was an invalid, though she was able to work very productively for the first few years and remained well enough to receive visitors. She was helped financially by two female...


15 July 1819: Byron began to publish in instalments (opening...

Writing climate item

15 July 1819

Byron began to publish in instalments (opening with cantos one and two) his satirical mock-epic poem Don Juan; he left it unfinished at his death.
Chandler, James. England in 1819: The Politics of Literary Culture and the Case of Romantic Historicism. University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.

1834: Anne Isabella, Lady Noel Byron, founded an...

Building item


Anne Isabella, Lady Noel Byron , founded an industrial and agricultural school at Ealing Grove.
Franck, Irene, and David Brownstone. Women’s World: A Timeline of Women in History. HarperCollins; HarperPerennial, 1995.


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