Frederick Warne and Company


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Beatrix Potter
Leslie Linder bequeathed his extensive collection of BP 's papers, paintings, and first editions to the National Trust . The trust holds its Potter manuscripts at Near Sawrey in the Lake District; others are...
Textual Production Rumer Godden
She was commissioned to write this book by Frederick Warne and Company , Potter's publishers, having established herself as a Potter admirer by talks, an anniversary New York Times article, and her friendship with Leslie Linder
Textual Production Kate Greenaway
KG continued to pursue her interest in flowers in several books of the mid-1880s. In 1882 Marcus Ward and Co. published Flowers and Fancies: Valentines Ancient and Modern by B. M. Montgomerie Ranking ,
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Anna Kingsford
The book was published simultaneously in London and New York by F. Warne & Co ; a second edition appeared within the year. A final edition was issued posthumously in 1889.
British Library Catalogue.
“19th Century British Library Newspapers”. Gale: 19th Century British Library Newspapers.
36729 (5 March 1890): 10
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Anne Marsh
The title-page bore a creative misquotation from William Wordsworth : She lived within her father's halls . . . And very few to love—which converts the rustic Lucy into an upper-class heroine like AM
Textual Production Beatrix Potter
BP 's first and most famous book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, already privately printed, had its first regular edition from the publishing firm of Frederick Warne .
Richardson, Barbara. “Beatrix Potter: Her Early Editions Continue to Fetch Large Sums”. Book and Magazine Collector, Vol.
, June 1999, pp. 4-17.
Grinstein, Alexander. The Remarkable Beatrix Potter. International Universities Press, 1995.
Textual Production Beatrix Potter
Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes by BP was published to help out the firm of Frederick Warne (threatened with bankruptcy after its head was convicted of forgery).
Grinstein, Alexander. The Remarkable Beatrix Potter. International Universities Press, 1995.


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