Kate Marsden Leper Fund


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Textual Production Kate Marsden
KM used the fame brought her by her Siberian travels to step up her public speaking and fundraising, with a focus on the Kate Marsden Leper Fund . She lectured in London and elsewhere about...
Wealth and Poverty Kate Marsden
The Charity Organization Society of London delivered its report regarding the accuracy of KM 's claims about her travels and her management of the Kate Marsden Leper Fund .
Baigent, Elizabeth. “Kate Marsden: 1859–1931”. Geographers Biobibliographical Studies, edited by Hayden Lorimer and Charles W. J. Withers, Continuum, 2008, pp. 63-92.
Wealth and Poverty Kate Marsden
In 1892 the Kate Marsden Leper Fund was reported to be under investigation for financial irregularities by the Charity Organization Society of London.
Chapman, Hilary. “The New Zealand Campaign against Kate Marsden, Traveller to Siberia”. New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 2000, pp. 123-40.


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