International Congress of Women


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Material Conditions of Writing Jane Hume Clapperton
The Congress ran for ten days, from 26 June to 5 July 1899, and JHC was a member of its Legislative and Industrial Sub-Committee.She may have produced this pamphlet either in preparation for the Congress...
politics Vernon Lee
During the First World War, VL supported the pacifist efforts by women which led to the International Congress of Women held at The Hague in April-May 1915 .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
politics Jane Hume Clapperton
JHC sat on the Legislative and Industrial Sub-Committee of the International Congress of Women , held in London.
Aberdeen, Ishbel Maria Gordon, Marchioness of, editor. Women in Industrial Life: The International Congress of Women of 1899. T. Fisher Unwin, 1900.
“The International Congress of Women”. Times, No. 35833, 19 May 1899, p. 15.
politics Katharine Tynan
KT travelled to Rome at the invitation of Lady Aberdeen , who was attending, as president, the Quinquennial Meeting of the International Congress of Women .
Tynan, Katharine. The Years of the Shadow. Constable, 1919.
politics Ethel Sidgwick
During these months ES met with delegates Sent by the International Congress of Women at The Hague to the governments of Europe and to the President of the United States: this indicates that she...
Textual Features Jane Hume Clapperton
The pamphlet argues that the Woman Movement in general and the International Congress of Women in particular are in perfect accord with the trend of general evolution in terms of the impulse to break down...
Textual Production Jane Hume Clapperton
JHC 's pamphletSome Evolutional Aspects of the Woman Movement appeared in print, apparently written in conjunction with the International Congress of Women which was held in London this year.
C19: The Nineteenth Century Index.
“The International Congress of Women”. Times, No. 35833, 19 May 1899, p. 15.
Clapperton, Jane Hume. Some Evolutional Aspects of the Woman Movement. June 1899.
Textual Production Jane Hume Clapperton
JHC presented a paper or short talk entitled Unitary Homes at a panel on Women in Industrial Life at the International Congress of Women in London.
Clapperton, Jane Hume. “Unitary Homes”. Women in Industrial Life: The International Congress of Women of 1899, edited by Ishbel Maria Gordon, Marchioness of Aberdeen, T. Fisher Unwin, 1900, pp. 104-7.
“The International Congress of Women”. Times, No. 35833, 19 May 1899, p. 15.


26 June to 5 July 1899: The International Council of Women sponsored...

Building item

26 June to 5 July 1899

The International Council of Women sponsored the International Congress of Women , a ten-day conference held at Westminster Town Hall in London. Those attending included Susan B. Anthony , Sidney Webb , Josephine Butler


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