Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
General Medical Council
No connections available.
1800: The College of Surgeons in London received...
Building item
The College of Surgeons in London received a royal charter and became the Royal College of Surgeons
Porter, Roy. English Society in the Eighteenth Century. Penguin, 1982.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
10: 692-3
2 August 1858: The Medical Act passed, allowing for the...
National or international item
2 August 1858
The Medical Act passed, allowing for the creation of a General Medical Council
to regulate education and formal registration of all medical practitioners in Great Britain and Ireland.
Blake, Catriona, and Wendy Savage. The Charge of the Parasols: Women’s Entry to the Medical Profession. Women’s Press, 1990.
Donnison, Jean. Midwives and Medical Men: A History of Inter-Professional Rivalries and Women’s Rights. Schocken Books, 1977.
Mitchell, Sally, editor. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia. Garland Press, 1988.
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed by J. Bentham, 1762–2025.
1860: The General Medical Council was granted a...
Building item
The General Medical Council
was granted a new charter empowering it to exclude practitioners from the Medical Register if they held a foreign degree.
Blake, Catriona, and Wendy Savage. The Charge of the Parasols: Women’s Entry to the Medical Profession. Women’s Press, 1990.
July 1875: The General Medical Council was forced to...
Building item
July 1875
The General Medical Council
was forced to issue a statement explaining its position on medical women after a three-day debate in Parliament.
Blake, Catriona, and Wendy Savage. The Charge of the Parasols: Women’s Entry to the Medical Profession. Women’s Press, 1990.
1886: The General Medical Council asserted that...
Building item
The General Medical Council
asserted that qualification in medicine, surgery, and midwifery was necessary to obtain a place on the Medical Register.
Towler, Jean. Midwives in History and Society. Croom Helm, 1986.
Donnison, Jean. Midwives and Medical Men: A History of Inter-Professional Rivalries and Women’s Rights. Schocken Books, 1977.