Royal Geographical Society


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Kate Marsden
She was buried in an unmarked grave at Hillingdon Cemetery.
Baigent, Elizabeth. “Kate Marsden: 1859–1931”. Geographers Biobibliographical Studies, edited by Hayden Lorimer and Charles W. J. Withers, Continuum, 2008, pp. 63-92.
After she died, Emily Norris described her in a private letter as the noblest and best of women.
qtd. in
Baigent, Elizabeth. “Travelling bodies, texts and reputations: the gendered life and afterlife of Kate Marsden and her mission to Siberian lepers in the 1890s”. Studies in Travel Writing, Vol.
, No. 1, Mar. 2014, pp. 34-56.
Norris donated a portrait...
Family and Intimate relationships Ellen Wood
During her twenty years in France EW she gave birth to two daughters (one of whom died of scarlet fever), and at least three sons. One of these, Charles , later became her collaborator on...
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Bussy
DB 's father, Sir Richard Strachey , was born on 24 July 1817 at Sutton Court at Stowey in Somerset. He joined the Bombay Engineers at the age of nineteen and pursued an immensely...
Family and Intimate relationships Rosita Forbes
She encountered McGrath, and thought him the most attractive man she had ever met, during the high tide of success of her Kufara book; she got him admitted to her second Royal Geographical Society lecture...
Friends, Associates Freya Stark
Through Venetia Buddicom , she met Sir Henry Lawrence , former acting governor of Bombay, who in turn introduced her to Lionel Smith and Arthur Hinks , the latter of whom was Secretary to the...
Leisure and Society Dervla Murphy
DM is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society , and also belongs to the Royal Asiatic Society and the Tibet Society .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Leisure and Society Ella K. Maillart
EKM belonged to the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Society for Asian Affairs in London, and to the Club des Explorateurs in Paris.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Literary responses Jane Austen
Some Austen news items are regrettable. In an interview with the Royal Geographical Society in June 2011, V.S. Naipaul , in asserting his own superiority to women writers (and claiming he could tell male from...
Material Conditions of Writing Elspeth Huxley
Encouraged by her friendship with Peter Scott , the explorer's son, EH spent a whole month, plus additional shorter periods, in research at the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge, and also visited the...
Occupation Freya Stark
FS was awarded the Royal Geographical Society 's Back Memorial Grant for her work in Persia. She was the third woman to receive this award.
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
142, 147-8
Occupation Freya Stark
Since FS properly identified several mountains and villages for the first time, this journey marked the beginning of her reputation as a traveller and cartographer. She later wrote up her expedition for the Royal Geographical Society
Occupation Isabella Bird
IB journeyed around Korea and China, occasionally returning to Japan to rest. During a time of political unrest in Korea, she worked as war correspondent and political interpreter, consulted with the Korean royal family...
Occupation Ruth Padel
In 2007 she sat on the panel judging the Eric Gregory awards for new writing. In 2008 she became the first writer in residence at Somerset House and the first poet in residence for the...
Occupation Kate Marsden
Shortly after her expedition to Siberia, KM was one of the first cohort of women elected to fellowships of the Royal Geographical Society , at a time when she was putting substantial effort into...
politics Mary Kingsley
What was worse, in Kingsley's opinion, was that she was sensationalized as a New Woman.
Frank, Katherine. A Voyager Out: The Life of Mary Kingsley. Houghton Mifflin, 1986.
She was also frequently faced with offers to join academic societies, such as the Royal Geographical Society ...


1830: The Geographical Society was founded, with...

Building item


The Geographical Society was founded, with the help of prominent Astronomical Society members.
Cannon, Susan Faye. Science in Culture: The Early Victorian Period. Dawson; Science History Publications, 1978.


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