Poetry Bookshop


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Charlotte Mew
CM attended a Poetry Bookshop reading in Bloomsbury at the invitation of Alida Klementaski (later wife of Harold Monro ), who greatly admired her work.
Warner, Val. “New Light on Charlotte Mew”. PN Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 43-7.
Monro, Alida, and Charlotte Mew. “Charlotte Mew—A Memoir”. Collected Poems of Charlotte Mew, Gerald Duckworth, 1953, p. vii - xx.
Stanford, Donald E., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 19. Gale Research, 1983.
Friends, Associates Charlotte Mew
CM refused an invitation to visit Edith Sitwell after they met at the Bookshop in 1919.
Warner, Val. “New Light on Charlotte Mew”. PN Review, Vol.
, No. 1, 1997, pp. 43-7.
Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. Collins, 1984, p. 240 pp.
Occupation Anne Stevenson
AS started, with Antoinette Watley and Michael Farley , what she calls a small, doomed publishing company.
Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series. Gale Research, 1984–2024, Numerous volumes.
9: 285
A year later she and Farley moved to the bookshop town of Hay-on-Wye in Brecknockshire (which...
Publishing Anna Wickham
Critic Joy Grant writes of AW 's relations with her editor, Harold Monro , in a positive light, stressing Wickham's gratitude to Monro for not seeing her poems as symptoms of a disordered mind
qtd. in
Grant, Joy. Harold Monro and the Poetry Bookshop. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967.
Publishing Frances Cornford
The Poetry Bookshop published Frances Cornford 's Spring Morning, with eight small woodcuts by her cousin Gwen Raverat .
“Notice: Spring Morning”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 696, 20 May 1915, p. 172.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Publishing Frances Cornford
The Poetry Bookshop published Frances Cornford 's Autumn Midnight, a selection of previously printed poems with wood engravings by Eric Gill .
Cornford, Frances, and Eric Gill. Autumn Midnight. Poetry Bookshop, 1923.
Publishing Charlotte Mew
The Poetry Bookshop printed 1,000 copies of the first edition of the collection, which took several years to sell out.
Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. Collins, 1984, p. 240 pp.
158, 160
This was a large run for the Poetry Bookshop, which often printed only...
Publishing Frances Cornford
Spring Morning proved to be immensely popular. The Poetry Bookshop reprinted it in 1918 and issued a new edition in 1923.
Woolmer, J. Howard, and Penelope Fitzgerald. The Poetry Bookshop, 1912-1935: A Bibliography. Woolmer/Brotherson, 1988.
Each printing had a press run of one thousand, making a total of...
Publishing Frances Cornford
The Poetry Bookshop advertised this book as a companion volume
Cornford, Frances, and Eric Gill. Autumn Midnight. Poetry Bookshop, 1923.
to Spring Morning. Cornford had previously published poems in this collection in several magazines, including The London Mercury and The New Leader.
Reception Charlotte Mew
Alida Klementaski (later Monro) read the poem and was electrified
Monro, Alida, and Charlotte Mew. “Charlotte Mew—A Memoir”. Collected Poems of Charlotte Mew, Gerald Duckworth, 1953, p. vii - xx.
by it. She immediately committed it to memory, and a couple of years later repeated it to Harold Monro , editor of the newly...
Textual Features Anna Wickham
AW frankly expresses her frustrations with domestic duties and the disillusionment of married life: By the sacrifice of myself I have attempted to serve three generations of men. I seem to have ruined them all...
Textual Production Charlotte Mew
CM published the only collection of poetry to appear in her lifetime, The Farmer's Bride, through the Poetry Bookshop .
Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. Collins, 1984, p. 240 pp.
Textual Production Charlotte Mew
A second collection of CM 's poetry, The Rambling Sailor, was published posthumously by The Poetry Bookshop .
Stanford, Donald E., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 19. Gale Research, 1983.
Textual Production Michael Field
The Poetry Bookshop issued A Selection From the Poems of Michael Field in 1923, bringing together pieces from their published poetry collections and plays, such as Underneath the Bough, Callirrhoë; Fair Rosamund, Wild...
Textual Production Penelope Fitzgerald
She planned to write something about Harold Monro and the Poetry Bookshop , which she felt to have been unfairly eclipsed by the much-heard-of Bloomsbury group.
qtd. in
Hill, Rosemary. “Making Do and Mending”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 18, 25 Sept. 2008, pp. 9-10.
She also worked on but did not...


1 January 1913: Harold Monro opened the Poetry Bookshop at...

Writing climate item

1 January 1913

Harold Monro opened the Poetry Bookshop at 35 Devonshire Street (now Boswell Street) in Bloomsbury.
Fitzgerald, Penelope. Charlotte Mew and Her Friends. Collins, 1984, p. 240 pp.
Grant, Joy. Harold Monro and the Poetry Bookshop. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967.
60, 81-3


Cornford, Frances, and Eric Gill. Autumn Midnight. Poetry Bookshop, 1923.
Cornford, Frances, and Gwen Raverat. Spring Morning. Poetry Bookshop, 1915.
Farjeon, Eleanor, and William Rothenstein. The Country Child’s Alphabet. Poetry Bookshop, 1924.
Farjeon, Eleanor, and David Michael Jones. The Town Child’s Alphabet. Poetry Bookshop, 1924.
Field, Michael. A Selection From the Poems of Michael Field. Editors Sturgeon, Mary and Thomas Sturge Moore, Poetry Bookshop.
Field, Michael. Deirdre; A Question of Memory; Ras Byzance. Poetry Bookshop, 1918.
Field, Michael. In the Name of Time. Poetry Bookshop, 1919.
Mew, Charlotte. The Farmer’s Bride. Poetry Bookshop, 1916.
Mew, Charlotte, and Alida Monro. The Rambling Sailor. Poetry Bookshop, 1929.
Monro, Alida, and Charlotte Mew. “Introductory Note”. The Rambling Sailor, Poetry Bookshop, 1929, pp. 7-8.
Wickham, Anna. The Contemplative Quarry. Poetry Bookshop, 1915.
Wickham, Anna. The Little Old House. Poetry Bookshop, 1921.