Scottish National Portrait Gallery


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Performance of text Jackie Kay
JK was one of twenty Scottish authors invited to contribute a monologue to a collaborative work entitled Dear Scotland, which was first performed by the Scottish National Theatre on 24 April 2014 as a...
Reception Muriel Spark
In about 1984 the Scottish National Portrait Gallery asked MS to sit for her portrait for their collection, by Sandy Moffat . Of the resulting painting MS says: I was just a model for The...
Reception Mary Somerville
MS 's publisher, John Murray , commissioned Thomas Phillips to paint her portrait; this picture now hangs in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery .
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. “Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville (1780-1872)”. Women of Mathematics: A Biobiliographic Sourcebook, edited by Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell, Greenwood Press, 1987, pp. 208-16.
Patterson, Elizabeth Chambers. Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840. Martinus Nijhoff, 1983.
Reception Dora Carrington
She was very pleased with her model and with her rendering: I was completely overcome by her grandeur, and wit. I am painting her against the bookcase sitting full length in a chair, in a...
Textual Production Dora Carrington
Carrington's paintings are housed in such institutions as the Scottish National Portrait Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Slade School of Art , and private collections. Many of her papers, mainly letters and diaries...
Textual Production Maud Sulter
The Scottish National Portrait Gallery featured MS 's exhibition entitled Jeanne Duval : a Melodrama, and published at Edinburgh her related text bearing the same title.
British Library Catalogue.
Donald, Ann. “Tracing the thin black line”. Scotland on Sunday, 25 May 2003.


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