Ladies' Land League


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Hannah Lynch
Through her involvement with the Ladies' Land League , HL became acquainted with the League's leading force: Irish nationalist and artist Anna Parnell , to whom she dedicated her novel The Prince of the Glades...
Occupation Katharine Tynan
KT began working three or four days a week at the Dublin head office of the newly founded Irish Ladies' Land League , writing and addressing letters to members of Parliament.
Smith, Janet. “Helen Taylor’s Anti-imperial Feminism: Ireland and the Land League question”. Women’s History, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Mar.–31 May 2016, pp. 19-24.
Tynan, Katharine. Twenty-Five Years: Reminiscences. Smith, Elder, 1913.
86, 92
politics Helen Taylor
Her approach to Irish political issues in particular revealed the distance between her thinking and the philanthropic, imperial feminism of many English suffragists. The activities of the Irish Ladies' Land League , with which HT
politics Helen Taylor
HT supported the London branch of the Irish Ladies' Land League of which she became a committee member at the inaugural meeting in February 1881. She later attended meetings in both England and Ireland. She...
politics Hannah Lynch
HL acquired the roles of both secretary and treasurer of the London branch of the Ladies' Land League , in which she and her sisters Nannie Lynch , Virginia Lynch , and Teresa Cantwell were...
politics Hannah Lynch
In 1882 Anna's brother Charles Parnell , president of the Irish Land League , stopped funds to the Ladies' Land League and to his sister. Anna never spoke to him again.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Anna Parnell
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
politics Charlotte Grace O'Brien
CGOB 's existing involvement in Irish politics became stronger and more focussed in 1880, a year of steeply increased emigration from Ireland. She was a supporter of Parnell , with an interest in Nationalist politics...
politics Katharine Tynan
She had attended the first meeting of the Ladies' Land League , which was formed on 31 January 1881 by Anna Catherine Parnell , sister of Charles Parnell (the Irish nationalist and founder in 1879...
politics Katharine Tynan
Soon after hearing Parnell speak at the Rotunda, KT joined the National League (which formerly had not interested her, though she had worked for the Ladies' Land League ) and became a Nationalist.
On 12...
Reception Helen Taylor
Branches of the Irish Ladies' Land League (one in north London and one in Manchester) were named after HT . Charles Stewart Parnell , however, did not approve of women joining the struggle (he...
Residence Hannah Lynch
Albeit she moved about so often from place to place, Paris was the closest thing to a permanent home for HL as well as the place that inspired a great deal of her work.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
McGuire, James, and James Quinn, editors. Dictionary of Irish Biography. 2009,
Textual Production Helen Taylor
Back in England, she continued to speak at English branches of the Ladies' Land League , even after it too was declared an illegal organisation at the end of this year.
Smith, Janet. “Helen Taylor’s Anti-imperial Feminism: Ireland and the Land League question”. Women’s History, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Mar.–31 May 2016, pp. 19-24.
Textual Production Dinah Mulock Craik
Although she took clear stands on feminist issues in her writing, DMC considered herself absolutely non-political. Ladies' Land League s, Primrose Habitation s, Female Suffrage Societies, are to me equally obnoxious.
Mitchell, Sally. Dinah Mulock Craik. Twayne, 1983.
Late in her...
Travel Helen Taylor
In June 1881, after four months on the committee of the London branch of the Irish Ladies' Land League , HT visited Ireland as member of a Democratic Federation delegation aiming to check out the...


31 January 1881: At the end of the month in which Charles...

National or international item

31 January 1881

At the end of the month in which Charles Stewart Parnell stood trial for demoralizing the Irish people, his sister Anna Catherine Parnell launched the Ladies' Land League in Ireland; like the original Land League

2 March 1881: The Protection of Person and Property (Ireland)...

National or international item

2 March 1881

The Protection of Person and Property (Ireland) Act allowed for arrest on a Lord-Lieutenant's warrant of any person suspected of engaging in acts of treason or of inciting violence.
Sawyer, Roger. We Are But Women: Women in Ireland’s History. Routledge, 1993.
Foster, Robert Fitzroy. Modern Ireland 1600-1972. Allen Lane, 1988.
Morton, Grenfell. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Longman, 1980.
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed by J. Bentham, 1762–2025.

24 December 1881: The British government declared the Irish...

National or international item

24 December 1881

The British government declared the IrishLadies' Land League an illegal organization.
Smith, Janet. “Helen Taylor’s Anti-imperial Feminism: Ireland and the Land League question”. Women’s History, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Mar.–31 May 2016, pp. 19-24.


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