United States Congress


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Fuller
Her father, Timothy Fuller , was also a teacher, then a lawyer and politician. A graduate of Harvard University , he served in both the Massachusetts senate and house of representatives, and he became a...
Family and Intimate relationships Tabitha Tenney
Tabitha Gilman was married at North Hampton, New Hampshire, to Samuel Tenney , a surgeon who had fought in the War of Independence. He was to become a member of the US Congress in 1800.
Davidson, Cathy N., and Tabitha Tenney. “Foreword”. Female Quixotism, edited by Jean Nienkamp et al., Oxford University Press, 1992, p. v - vii.
“FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service”. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Davidson, Cathy N. Revolution and the Word: The Rise of the Novel in America. Oxford University Press, 1986.
190, n69
Occupation John Buchan
He made himself popular in Canada, partly through his skill with language, in French as well as in English. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography says, His intention was to develop a Canadian as well...
Residence Tabitha Tenney
TT 's husband, Samuel Tenney , took his seat in the US Congress ; by this date, therefore, the couple had moved to Washington, DC.
Textual Features Emily Faithfull
Here EF relates the story of her lecture tours in the USA, with her meetings with Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Lucretia Mott , and others.
Stone, James S. Emily Faithfull: Victorian Champion of Women’s Rights. P. D. Meany, 1994.
29, 199
Her survey of the situation of American...


15 June 1775: George Washington was selected by the American...

National or international item

15 June 1775

George Washington was selected by the American Congress to command all the continental forces, raised, or to be raised, for the defense of American liberty.
Middlekauff, Robert. The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789. Oxford University Press, 1982.

14 June 1777: The American Congress resolved that the new...

National or international item

14 June 1777

The American Congress resolved that the new flag of the United States should have thirteen stars and stripes.
Coakley, Robert, and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Center of Military History, 1975.

15 November 1777: The American Congress approved Articles of...

National or international item

15 November 1777

The American Congress approved Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the new United States.
Coakley, Robert, and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Center of Military History, 1975.

17 June 1778: The American Congress declined to negotiate...

National or international item

17 June 1778

The American Congress declined to negotiate on Lord North 's proposals without a promise of independence and a treaty of peace and commerce consistent with that already signed with France.
Coakley, Robert, and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Center of Military History, 1975.

29 March 1779: The American Congress recommended that in...

Building item

29 March 1779

The American Congress recommended that in view of a shortage of white soldiers, a force of 3,000 negroes be raised in South Carolina and Georgia.
Coakley, Robert, and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Center of Military History, 1975.

14 June 1781: The American Congress, accepting mediation...

National or international item

14 June 1781

The American Congress , accepting mediation by Russia and Germany, appointed five ministers plenipotentiary to negotiate peace with Britain.
Coakley, Robert, and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Center of Military History, 1975.

6 February 1820: Eighty-six freed slaves set sail towards...

National or international item

6 February 1820

Eighty-six freed slaves set sail towards Africa from the USA to found a settlement which eventually became the nation-state of Liberia.
Borne Back Daily. 2001, http://borneback.com/ .
6 February 2013

2 March 1867: President Andrew Johnson approved an Act...

Building item

2 March 1867

President Andrew Johnson approved an Act of the US Congress chartering Howard University in Washington, DC, as an institution for African-Americans in the liberal arts and sciences.
“Brief History of Howard Univesity”. Howard University.

After February 1869: Two years after its launch, the American...

National or international item

After February 1869

Two years after its launch, the American Equal Rights Association voted to support the US Congress 's proposed fifteenth amendment (which enabled male suffrage for Black people without waiting for white women to attain the vote).
Dow, Bonnie J. “How the Battle of Memory Was Won”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2014, pp. 3-4.

1916: Four years before American women won the...

National or international item


Four years before American women won the right to the suffrage (on 18 August 1920) Jeanette Rankin became the first woman elected to the USCongress .
Loth, Renée. “A Lone Woman’s Voice”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 5, Sept.–Oct. 2006, pp. 18-19.

1919: The Liberator, a Black US journal, first...

Writing climate item


The Liberator, a Black US journal, first published If We Must Die, a poem of furious defiance by Claude McKay , an immigrant from Jamaica.
Nkosi, Lewis. “An UnAmerican in New York”. London Review of Books, 24 Aug. 2000, pp. 30-2.

1932: US poet Archibald MacLeish won the Pulitzer...

Writing climate item


US poet Archibald MacLeish won the Pulitzer Prize for his epic poem Conquistador, which traces the journey taken by Cortez through Mexico.
“Hernando Cortez (1460-1521): Spanish Explorer”. Thinkquest: Library: Explorers: Cortez.

8 December 1941: US Representative Jeanette Rankin cast the...

National or international item

8 December 1941

US Representative Jeanette Rankin cast the sole dissenting vote in Congress against the American declaration of war on Japan following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Greenspan, Karen. The Timetables of Women’s History. Simon and Shuster, 1994.

5 June 1947: American Secretary of State George Marshall...

National or international item

5 June 1947

American Secretary of State George Marshall proposed his European Recovery Programme (the Marshall Plan); it was accepted by Britain and other European nations on the thirteenth of July.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Alderman, Geoffrey. Modern Britain 1700-1983: A Domestic History. Croom Helm, 1986.
Forbes, Peter, editor. Scanning the Century. Viking, 1999.

September 1950: In the USA the Internal Security Act (also...

Writing climate item

September 1950

In the USA the Internal Security Act (also known as the McCarran Act or McCarran Wood Act from the chairman of the Un-American Activities Committee ) placed various legal restrictions on Communist Party membership and...


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