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Wandor, Michelene, editor. Plays by Women: Volume Three. Methuen, 1984.
Wandor, Michelene, and Mike Alfreds. The Wandering Jew. Methuen, 1987.
Wandor, Michelene. Understudies. Methuen, 1981.
Watson, Rosamund Marriott. A Summer Night and Other Poems. Methuen, 1891.
Hays, Mary et al. “Introduction”. The Fate of the Fenwicks, edited by Annie F. Wedd, Methuen, 1927, p. ix - xvi.
Wedd, Annie F., and Mary Hays. “Part I: The Story of Mary Hays”. The Love Letters of Mary Hays (1779-1780), Methuen, 1925, pp. 1-14.
Wilde, Oscar, and Robert Ross. De Profundis. Methuen, 1905.
Wilde, Oscar. Poems; with The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Methuen, 1909.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel et al. A History of English Life, Political and Social. Methuen, 1949, 4 vols.
Williams-Ellis, Amabel, and Euan Cooper-Willis. Laughing Gas and Safety Lamp. Methuen, 1951.
Wilson, Romer. If All These Young Men. Methuen, 1919.
Wilson, Romer. Martin Schüler. Methuen, 1918.
Wilson, Romer. The Grand Tour. Methuen, 1923.
Winterson, Jeanette, and Paula Youens. Boating for Beginners. Methuen, 1985.