Bellamy, Joyce M., and John Saville, editors. Dictionary of Labour Biography. Macmillan, 1972–2025.
viii: 104
Jackie Kay
During her school holidays JK
worked in London, cleaning houses for an agency called Problem
. As an undergraduate she worked for three summers as a porter (the only woman in the job) at...
Middleton, Dorothy. Victorian Lady Travellers. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965.
Christopher St John
Her mother, summoned by telegram to her youngest daughter's bedside in the Westminster Hospital
in London, reported that after the initial accident Christabel was given gas when her condition was too critical to bear...
Textual Production
Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda
Their letter, which was published on 30 March, was a response to previous correspondence from Sir James Purves-Stewart
, Senior Physician at Westminster Hospital
. He had written that new women medical students should not...