European Community


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11 December 1957: The first European School opened in a new...

Building item

11 December 1957

The first European School opened in a new building constructed in the shape of a giant E, in the Boulevard de la Foire in Luxembourg. It aimed to impart an international education, and half...

1971: In a crucial parliamentary vote on Britain's...

National or international item


In a crucial parliamentary vote on Britain's future entry into the European Community or Common Market, Conservative members plus 68 pro-European Labour members voted in favour.
Marquand, David. “Roy Jenkins”. Guardian Weekly, 9–15 Jan. 2003, p. 19.

3 November 2016: Three senior British high court judges (the...

National or international item

3 November 2016

Three senior British high court judges (the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls, and a Lord Justice of Appeal) ruled that invoking article 50 to activate Brexit, or Britain's departure from the European Community


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