Scottish Arts Council


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Literary responses Carol Ann Duffy
Ruth Padel in the TLS celebrated CAD 's political-erotic challenge.
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Duffy, Carol Ann. Selected Poems. Penguin, 1994.
This book won her a second Scottish Arts Council Book Award and a Dylan Thomas Award.
Duffy, Carol Ann. Selected Poems. Penguin, 1994.
Rees-Jones, Deryn. Carol Ann Duffy. Northcote House, 1999.
Material Conditions of Writing J. K. Rowling
She began writing it as a student of education, using the computer room at Moray House in Edinburgh. Then she was awarded a Scottish Arts Council grant of £8,000 (the first of several) for...
Material Conditions of Writing Anne Stevenson
Correspondences by AS was published both by Wesleyan University Press and Oxford University Press .
Stevenson, Anne. Selected Poems, 1956-1986. Oxford University Press, 1987.
She worked on it from 1970, researching (while her husband, Mark Elvin , held an appointment at Harvard between...
Material Conditions of Writing Anne Stevenson
She dedicated it to her grandson Paul and his parents; the last poem in the book conjures up little Paul dancing for, and stamping on, the sea.
Stevenson, Anne. The Other House. Oxford University Press, 1990.
v, 52
The book has an epigraph from...
Publishing Naomi Mitchison
NM published in Edinburgh, with the help of a grant from the Scottish Arts Council , What do you think yourself? Scottish short stories.
Mitchison, Naomi. What do you think yourself? Scottish short stories. Paul Harris, 1982.
Reception Kathleen Jamie
This volume won KJ a Scottish Arts Council award.
Mulford, Wendy, editor. The Virago Book of Love Poetry. Virago Press, 1998.
Of the suddenness of her early success she says, I didn't think of asking permission
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Taylor, Debbie. “Interview with Kathleen Jamie”. Mslexia, Vol.
, 1 Mar. 2001– 2025, pp. 39-40.
and Nobody told me I couldn't do it.
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Taylor, Debbie. “Interview with Kathleen Jamie”. Mslexia, Vol.
, 1 Mar. 2001– 2025, pp. 39-40.
Reception Kathleen Jamie
On its original appearance, this book won the Scottish Arts Council Book Award for 1992.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Reception Kathleen Jamie
KJ has said that now, having all the time, money (a two-year grant from the Scottish Arts Council ), and confidence she needs, she feels able to say, I'm a poet and this is what...
Reception Jackie Kay
This collection won a prize from the Scottish Arts Council .
Kay, Jackie. Red Dust Road. Pan Macmillan, 2010.
Maggie Gee praised the stories in The Sunday Times Culture, calling them accomplished and fearless.
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“The Knitting Circle”. London South Bank University: Lesbian and Gay Staff Association.
Reception Anita Desai
Many critics agree that AD is a formidable writer, at home in intimate psychological worlds
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
as well as in social, historical, and political polemics. Salman Rushdie has named her central subject as solitude, and...
Reception Carol Ann Duffy
CAD considers these poems to be juvenilia.
Rees-Jones, Deryn. Carol Ann Duffy. Northcote House, 1999.
The following year she received a Scottish Arts Council Award.
Rees-Jones, Deryn. Carol Ann Duffy. Northcote House, 1999.
Reception Liz Lochhead
This volume won a Scottish Arts Council book award.
Reception Carol Ann Duffy
Critics welcomed this new voice in poetry. Peter Porter noted that the urgency of CAD 's crusading sensibility
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Duffy, Carol Ann. Selected Poems. Penguin, 1994.
had not led her to any compromise in the artistry of her language. The book won...
Reception Carol Ann Duffy
This book garnered the Forward Poetry Prize, the Whitbread Poetry Award, and another Scottish Arts Council Book Award.
Duffy, Carol Ann. Selected Poems. Penguin, 1994.
“The Knitting Circle”. London South Bank University: Lesbian and Gay Staff Association.
Eavan Boland called CADone of the freshest and bravest talents to emerge in British poetry—any poetry—for years.
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Duffy, Carol Ann. Selected Poems. Penguin, 1994.
Reception Anne Stevenson
AS has held a number of awards: a Scottish Arts Council award, 1974, a Welsh Arts Council award, 1980, a Northern Arts Literary Fellowship at the Universities of Newcastle and Durham , 1981-2,
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.


January 2004: A new quarterly, the Scottish Review of Books,...

Writing climate item

January 2004

A new quarterly, the Scottish Review of Books, was launched, published in Edinburgh by the Scottish Arts Council .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,


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