

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Sarah Macnaughtan
Peter Ogilvie is, so far as he knows, the heir to his parents' fortune, and Jane Erskine is a ward of Chancery who will not come into her own money until the age of twenty-five...
Cultural formation Catherine Maria Grey
CMG was born into the English professional class, into the defined world of those white people who worked and lived in British India. Her father died while she was still young, and she was...
Education Catherine Maria Grey
As a ward of ChanceryCMG would have probably received a basic education in reading and writing under the supervision of the court.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Clinton Countess of Lincoln
Elizabeth Lincoln 's son and heir, the Earl of Lincoln , sued his mother in Chancery as guardian of his younger brothers.
Cokayne, George Edward. The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant. Editor Gibbs, Vicary, St Catherine Press, 1910–1959, 14 vols.
7: 696
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Jane Vardill
AJV 's mother was born Agnes Birtwhistle in 1752 at Skipton in Yorkshire, into a family which was a local power there and over the Scottish border at Gatehouse of Fleet. Anna Jane...
Family and Intimate relationships Anthony Trollope
His father, Thomas Anthony Trollope , was a barrister in the Court of Chancery until his career was jeopardized by his unacceptably rude behaviour.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Eleanor Bowes Countess of Strathmore
This was clearly a custody struggle. The family of the countess's first husband had had the children of that marriage made wards in Chancery . Anna was fourteen at this time; their stepfather had at...
Family and Intimate relationships Menella Bute Smedley
Menella's mother, Mary Smedley, was a great-grand-daughter of George Bellas , a London lawyer and politician of somewhat mixed reputation who died leaving a substantial estate which led to huge family gatherings in Westmorland of...
Family and Intimate relationships Catherine Maria Grey
CMG 's father, Benjamin Grindall , worked as an employee of the Bengal Civil Service and died when she was a young girl, leaving CMG a ward of Chancery . He made his will on...
Family and Intimate relationships Agnes Mary Clerke
AMC 's younger brother, Aubrey St John Clerke , after receiving an education at boarding school and Trinity College , became a Chancery barrister in London.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Commire, Anne, and Deborah Klezmer, editors. Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia. Yorkin Publications, 1999–2002, 17 vols.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Jenkins
Her mother, born Theodora Caldicott Ingram , came from a family of Methodists and was seven years older than her husband. Though Theodora's father's name was Ingram, the name Caldicott lingered in the family as...
Material Conditions of Writing Regina Maria Roche
It seems actually to have appeared by November 1819. A New York edition appeared in 1820, and a French translation in 1821.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
2: 505
During this decade RMR and her husband were losing money hand...
Other Life Event Teresia Constantia Phillips
Dr Henchman argued that the other side's multiplication of the main issue into innumerable subsidiary points, each requiring many witnesses, ensured the case such longevity that the youngest man here will never live to see...
Textual Features Caroline Norton
Observations on the Natural Claim of the Mother to the Custody of her Infant Children asserts that all children under seven ought to remain in the care of their mothers, and that for those above...
Textual Features Frances Notley
Meanwhile Estrild, who is not yet of age, has come under the guardianship of Mr Vicat, her uncle. Vicat plans to marry Estrild, for her wealth, to his sickly son Gilbert. At first Estrild resists...


1797: R. Dutton published, anonymously, The Advertisement...

Writing climate item


R. Dutton published, anonymously, The Advertisement for a Husband, A Novel; in a Series of Letters, between Belinda Blacket, Louisa Lenox, and others.
The Advertisement for a Husband. R. Dutton, 1797, 2 vols.
The Dutton firm was formerly Vernor and Hood . Bibliographers Raven

June 1854: Arguing for his Divorce Bill but against...

National or international item

June 1854

Arguing for his Divorce Bill but against a husband's adultery as grounds for divorce, Lord Chancellor Cranworth remarked that it would be too harsh to bring the law to bear against a husband who was...


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