British Medical Association


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Olive Schreiner
She considered transferring to study medicine, but poor health and lack of money prevented her. Moreover, it was not until the next year that the Royal Commission on Medical Education decided to allow women to...
Literary responses Dora Greenwell
The president of the British Medical Association declared the article to have been written by some very able physician.
qtd. in
Dorling, William. Memoirs of Dora Greenwell. James Clarke, 1885.
Occupation Anna Kingsford
Since the British Medical Association had banned women doctors from membership in 1874, AK was not allowed to register. But registration was required only for government positions and the armed services, so there was nothing...
Publishing Julia Frankau
Henry Vizetelly , a publisher associated with progressive thinking of various kinds—he went to prison for publishing translations of Zola —promoted this novel by emphasis on its being a picture of Jewish life.
qtd. in
Lock, Stephen, and Julia Frankau. “Introduction”. Dr. Phillips, The Keynes Press, 1989, p. v - xii.
Textual Features Sophia Jex-Blake
In this essay SJB focuses particularly on the January 1878 decision by the University of London to admit women to the study of medicine on equal terms with men. This decision, she writes, made on...


1832: The British Medical and Surgical Association...

Building item


The British Medical and Surgical Association (later the British Medical Association ) was formed in London; the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association held its inaugural meeting at Worcester on 19 July 1832.
Dolan, Josephine A. History of Nursing. 12th ed., Saunders, 1968.
Burmester, James et al. English Books. James Burmester Rare Books, 1985–2024, Numbered catalogues.
46: 28

1856: The Provincial Medical and Surgical Association...

Building item


The Provincial Medical and Surgical Association was renamed the British Medical Association .
Blake, Catriona, and Wendy Savage. The Charge of the Parasols: Women’s Entry to the Medical Profession. Women’s Press, 1990.

1871: Prominent psychiatrist and physician G. Fielding...

Building item


Prominent psychiatrist and physician G. Fielding Blandford theorized about the prevalence of female insanity in Insanity and Its Treatment.
Showalter, Elaine. The Female Malady: Women, Madness, and English Culture, 1830-1980. Pantheon Books, 1985.
55-6, 260n20
Showalter, Elaine. The Female Malady: Women, Madness, and English Culture, 1830-1980. Pantheon Books, 1985.

Early 1874: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was elected to...

Building item

Early 1874

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was elected to the British Medical Association , where she remained for nineteen years the only female member.
Blake, Catriona, and Wendy Savage. The Charge of the Parasols: Women’s Entry to the Medical Profession. Women’s Press, 1990.

August 1875: Elizabeth Garrett Anderson became the first...

Building item

August 1875

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson became the first woman to present a paper at the Annual General Meeting of the British Medical Association .
Blake, Catriona, and Wendy Savage. The Charge of the Parasols: Women’s Entry to the Medical Profession. Women’s Press, 1990.

1892: The British Medical Association rescinded...

Building item


The British Medical Association rescinded its resolution (passed in 1878) excluding women from its membership.
Witz, Anne. Professions and Patriarchy. Routledge, 1992.

1925: Architect Edwin Lutyens, famous for his architectural...

Building item


Architect Edwin Lutyens , famous for his architectural work in New Delhi, completed construction of the British Medical Association building at Tavistock Square, London.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

November 1933: The British Medical Association published...

Building item

November 1933

The British Medical Association published a minimum diet for health.
Bruley, Sue. “A Woman’s Right to Work? The Role of Women in the Unemployed Movement Between the Wars”. This Working-Day World: Women’s Lives and Culture(s) in Britain, 1914-1945, edited by Sybil Oldfield, Taylor and Francis, 1994, pp. 40-53.

1934: The British Medical Association struck a...

Building item


The British Medical Association struck a committee on the medico-legal aspects of abortion. This was a controversial step for some of the membership.
Hall, Lesley. “Articulating abortion in interwar Britain”. Women’s History Magazine, No. 70, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2012, pp. 13-21.

Early May 1948: The BMA (British Medical Association) reversed...

National or international item

Early May 1948

The BMA (British Medical Association) reversed a decision taken in February and advised the medical profession to co-operate with the institution of a National Health Service .
“6 May 1948. The NHS is saved by the doctors”. Guardian Weekly, 20 May 2009, p. 22.
(20 May 2009): 22

4 September 1957: The Wolfenden Commission published its Report...

National or international item

4 September 1957

The Wolfenden Commission published its Report on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution which recommended the decriminalization of homosexual acts occurring in private between consenting adults over 21, but suggested stricter regulation of prostitution.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
412, 416
“Homosexuality ’should not be a crime’”. BBC News: On This Day, 4 Sept. 1957.

1979: The British Medical Association appointed...

Building item


The British Medical Association appointed its first female president, obstetrician and gynaecologist Dame Josephine Barnes , two years after her retirement from the National Health Service .
“Women’s History Timeline”. BBC: Radio 4: Woman’s Hour.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


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