

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Cassandra Cooke
The novel opens [t]owards the end of Oliver Cromwell 's usurpation,
Cooke, Cassandra. Battleridge. C. Cawthorn, 1799, 2 vols.
1: 1
among the Vesey family of Battleridge Castle (in the north of England, near one of the castles owned by Lady Anne Clifford
Characters Elizabeth Gaskell
It details the way cultural difference proves fatal when an orphaned young Englishwoman is transplanted to the home of unsympathetic Puritan relatives in New England. She ends up being burned alongside a native woman during...
Characters Emmuska Baroness Orczy
The story is set among the Puritans under Oliver Cromwell , and many of the characters bear names that convey the earnest desire of their parents that they should grow up to be rigidly virtuous.
Characters Sybille Bedford
In the earliest generation a puritan New England woman marries an Italian prince who turns out to be a philanderer. Their daughter is restless and unsettled, with an active sex-life which her mother cannot bring...
Characters Sybille Bedford
The protagonist, whose mother was a female rake and whose grandmother was a Yankee puritan , has become a successful writer and reached the age of fifty, but she is still troubled with guilt over...
Characters Aphra Behn
This hilarious comedy is set in Rome, with a conspicuously stupid, lustful, and venial puritan clergyman guyed as Tickletext, in transparent allusion to Titus Oates and the Popish Plot. The three heroines all...
Cultural formation Elizabeth Joscelin
EJ 's parents came from the English landowning and professional classes. They were Anglican s and their daughter evidently later leaned towards Puritanism .
Cultural formation Elizabeth Stirredge
She grew up in a strict Puritan , English household. Before she was ten she suffered religious fears: I was so filled with fears and doubts, that I could take no delight in any thing...
Cultural formation Dorothy Leigh
DL came from the English gentry class. She was anti-Catholic, leaning towards the Puritan arm of the Anglican church.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Cultural formation Rachel Speght
Daughter and wife of Calvinist clergymen, she was a fervent, Bible-based Anglican or Puritan .
Cultural formation Anne Locke
AL was born into the flourishing urban bourgeoisie of her time. She was apparently English, though the names of both her parents suggest Welsh extraction. Her father said he was neither Lutheran nor yet Tyndalin...
Cultural formation John Wilmot second Earl of Rochester
He was born of a mixed marriage, having a monarchist, cavalier father and a parliamentarian, Puritan mother. Young John was ten when he succeeded to the earldom bestowed on his father for selfless and dangerous...
Cultural formation Anne Locke
Though no longer subject to persecution, AL found herself still a dissenter from the established form of Christianity: in Patrick Collinson 's words, the very first documented protestant separatist from the Elizabethan church. Collinson also...
Cultural formation Hannah Allen
While living with her mother she suffered a period of religious questioning which deepened into spiritual despair. She recovered by reading the works of PuritanRobert Bolton , where she found a passage that directly...
Cultural formation Anne Bacon
Her upper-class family were Protestants at a time when this was a bold thing to be, both in religious and intellectual terms. She became, like her parents, a fervent Puritan .


1 November 1614: Ben Jonson's comedy Bartholomew Fair was...

Writing climate item

1 November 1614

Ben Jonson 's comedy Bartholomew Fair was performed before James I , to whom it was dedicated, by the Lady Elizabeth's Servants .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
Collinson, Patrick. “Saints on Sundays, Devils All the Week after”. London Review of Books, 19 Sept. 2002, pp. 15-16.

19 December 1644: Parliament passed an ordinance insisting...

National or international item

19 December 1644

Parliament passed an ordinance insisting that when, in the coming week, Christmas clashed with a monthly fast day, the fast should displace the feast.
Purkiss, Diane. The English Civil War, A People’s History. Harper Perennial, 2007.


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