Mystery Writers of America


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Leisure and Society Mary Stewart
MS joined a number of literary organizations. By 1960 she was a member of the Mystery Writers of America and the Authors League of America
Horowitz, A. H. “WLB Biography: Mary Stewart”. Wilson Library Bulletin, Vol.
, No. 4, H. W. Wilson, Dec. 1960, p. 328.
35 (December 1960): 328
Reception P. D. James
PDJ received the Mystery Writers of America Grandmaster Award for achievement over time.
British Council Film and Literature Department, in association with Book Trust. Contemporary Writers in the UK.
Reception P. D. James
Reviewers warmly praised the novel. It won James a Silver Dagger from the Crime Writers' Association , and an Edgar from the Mystery Writers of America .
Gidez, Richard. P. D. James. Twayne, 1986.
Critic Richard Gidez calls it the traditional...
Reception P. D. James
An Unsuitable Job for a Woman was awarded a Scroll by the Mystery Writers of America . Critic Richard Gidez commended it as literate, intelligent, stylishly written,
Gidez, Richard. P. D. James. Twayne, 1986.
and the portrayal of Cordelia as enjoyable...
Reception P. D. James
It received a Booker Prize nomination, a Silver Dagger from the Crime Writers' Association , and Best Novel from the Mystery Writers of America .
Priestman, Martin. “P. D. James and the Distinguished Thing”. On Modern British Fiction, edited by Zachary Leader, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 234-57.
British Council Film and Literature Department, in association with Book Trust. Contemporary Writers in the UK.
Reception Ruth Rendell
RR received an Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America in 1974 for her storyThe Fallen Curtain, again in 1976 for a story collection featuring this title, The Fallen Curtain...
Textual Production Ruth Rendell
RR used her pseudonym Barbara Vine for the first time, for a semi-historical novel, A Dark-Adapted Eye, which won her an Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America in 1986.
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.
52: 369, 370
Klein, Kathleen Gregory, editor. Great Women Mystery Writers: Classic to Contemporary. Greenwood, 1994.


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