Henry Sidgwick

Standard Name: Sidgwick, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Emma Frances Brooke
EFB 's studies were undertaken in Political Economics and Logic under professors Marshall and Foxwell .
Edwards, Joseph, editor. The First Labour Annual 1895: A Year Book of Industrial Progress and Social Welfare. No. 1, The Harvester Press, 1971.
Although she received few, if any, particular honours for her studies,
Anonymous,. “Woman and Home: Miss Emma Brooke, the Author of ‘A Superfluous Woman’”. The North American, 31 May 1895, p. 6.
(31 May 1895): 6
and although she...
Education Toru Dutt
TD and Aru were briefly enrolled at a boarding school in Nice where they studied French.
Rao, Raja, and Toru Dutt. “Aru and Toru”. Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan, Writers Workshop, 1972.
After moving to England they continued their studies and attended the Higher Lectures for Women series begun by Henry Sidgwick
Education Mary Agnes Hamilton
Hamilton writes that tertiary education for women at the time was still on its trial;
Hamilton, Mary Agnes. Remembering My Good Friends. Jonathan Cape, 1944.
38, 60
the women students at Newnham were totally separated from the masculine undergraduate population. To her, with her...
Family and Intimate relationships Ethel Sidgwick
Henry Sidgwick , philosopher and founder of Newnham College, Cambridge , was ES 's uncle.
Instructor Jane Ellen Harrison
During her time at Newnham she was taught and advised by Henry Sidgwick , one of Newnham's founders, and by S. H. (Samuel Henry) Butcher .
Robinson, Annabel. The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Literary responses Charlotte Yonge
Henry Sidgwick compared this novel to Madame Bovary and concluded that Yonge was better than Flaubert .
Hayter, Alethea. Charlotte Yonge. Northcote House, 1996.
The Athenæum felt that only readers of The Daisy Chain would really appreciate it.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1920 (1864): 209
Occupation Millicent Garrett Fawcett
Henry Sidgwick organised the meeting. He invited the Cambridge university dons, as well as the wives and daughters of University men living in the town of Cambridge. Lectures began the next term, and MGF was...
Textual Features Ethel Sidgwick
Though she calls her work a memoir, ES spends only twenty-six pages writing about Eleanor Sidgwick's childhood, and gives much of the text to the history of Newnham, before as well as during her aunt's...
Wealth and Poverty George Eliot
GE spent £5,000 establishing, with the help of Henry Sidgwick and Michael Foster , a three-year studentship in physiology at Cambridge in memory of Lewes , open equally to men and women.
Ashton, Rosemary. George Eliot: A Life. Hamish Hamilton, 1996.
Haight, Gordon S. George Eliot: A Biography. Oxford University Press, 1968.


31 May 1838: Philosopher Henry Sidgwick was born in Skipton,...

Writing climate item

31 May 1838

Philosopher Henry Sidgwick was born in Skipton, Yorkshire.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

1871: Newnham College for women was founded in...

Building item


Newnham College for women was founded in Cambridge.
McWilliams-Tullberg, Rita. Women at Cambridge. Gollancz, 1975.
The World of Learning. 45th ed., Allen and Unwin, 1995.
Purvis, June. A History of Women’s Education in England. Open University Press, 1991.

1874: Henry Sidgwick published The Methods of Ethics,...

Writing climate item


Henry Sidgwick published The Methods of Ethics, which aimed to find a rational basis for morality, or to reconcile morality with reason.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.

1882: The Society for Psychical Research was founded...

Building item


The Society for Psychical Research was founded with the purpose of conducting objective scientific research into supernatural phenomena such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and mediumship.
Knight, David. The Age of Science: The Scientific World-View in the Nineteenth Century. Basil Blackwell, 1986.
Owen, Alex. The Darkened Room: Women, Power, and Spiritualism in Late Nineteenth-Century England. Virago, 1989.
Porter, Katherine H. Through a Glass Darkly: Spiritualism in the Browning Circle. Octagon, 1972.
Gauld, Alan. A History of Hypnotism. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Cline, Sally. Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John. John Murray, 1997.
“Society for Psychical Research”. Monstrous.com: Ghosts.

28 August 1900: Henry Sidgwick, philosopher (and husband...

Writing climate item

28 August 1900

Henry Sidgwick , philosopher (and husband of Eleanor Sidgwick , Principal of Newnham College ), died of cancer at his brother-in-law's house in Terling, near Witham, Essex.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.

1909: E. E. Constance Jones, philosopher and logician,...

Women writers item


E. E. Constance Jones , philosopher and logician, published A Primer on Ethics, in which she engages with moral psychology and Henry Sidgwick 's ethical hedonism.
Cicero, Samantha, and Mary Ellen Waithe. “E. E. Constance Jones (1848-1922)”. Contemporary Women Philosophers, 1900-today, edited by Mary Ellen Waithe, Kluwer, 1995, pp. 25-49.
28-31, 47n8

1926: New statutes at Cambridge University first...

Building item


New statutes at Cambridge University first permitted women to hold university (as opposed to merely college) teaching posts, to belong to university faculties and sit on faculty boards.
Greenspan, Karen. The Timetables of Women’s History. Simon and Shuster, 1994.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
“Girton College”. British History Online, 2012.


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