Sir Humphry Davy

Standard Name: Davy, Sir Humphry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Jane Marcet
JM used her husband and his friends as a way in to the developing discourse of science. She attended the public lectures given by Sir Humphry Davy , which provided the basis of her knowledge...
Family and Intimate relationships Eliza Fletcher
Her daughter Margaret married Dr John Davy , brother of the scientist Sir Humphry Davy .
Gill, Stephen. William Wordsworth. A Life. Clarendon, 1989.
Her youngest daughter, Mary, who became Lady Richardson , published her mother's autobiography and some letters. Since Margaret...
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Atkins
Anna's father, John George Children , was an amateur scientist during his years as a gentleman of leisure, and made a living from scientific work when that became necessary. He was twice Secretary of the...
Friends, Associates Catherine Fanshawe
When CF met both Byron and Germaine de Staël in spring 1814 at a dinner party at the house of Sir Humphry Davy , she was unimpressed by Byron and his outpourings of radical opinion...
Friends, Associates Helen Maria Williams
On her return to Paris after Robespierre's death, HMW and Stone lived in a house (where she held her salon) on the Quai Malaquais. After peace was announced between England and France in 1801...
Friends, Associates Elizabeth Isabella Spence
EIS says that her early friendship with Jane and Anna Maria Porter was inherited, developing from the friendship between their parents,
Spence, Elizabeth Isabella. Letters from the North Highlands, During the Summer 1816. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Anna Maria Porter
which had been formed, no doubt, in Durham. In...
Friends, Associates Lady Eleanor Butler
Among their many visitors (apart from the local gentry, with whom they duly established links), close friends included Anna Seward , Henrietta Maria Bowdler (who wrote mock-flirtatiously of LEB as her veillard [sic] or old...
Instructor Eleanor Anne Porden
By the age of nine or ten EAP was attending science lectures given by Sir Humphry Davy and others at the Royal Institution in London. One commentator, Desmond King-Hele , argues that she gathered...
Intertextuality and Influence Isabella Beeton
As it turned out, however, most of the recipes and information in the book came from published sources, though two popular cookery books directed at the middle classes, Hannah Glasse 's The Art of Cookery...
Publishing Charlotte Brontë
She started with Henry Colburn . After Anne and Emily had arranged with Newby for publication of their first novels, she approached a seventh publisher, Smith, Elder, and Co. .
The firm was the publisher...
Textual Features Caroline Frances Cornwallis
CFC 's opening remarks (undated, unlike Barlow's) refer to the author as he and paints a gendered (though no doubt accurate) picture of fathers teaching sons from one generation to another. She argues that as...
Textual Production Anne Damer
AD 's activity as a sculptor dates mostly from after 1777. Her best-known works include the keystones of the bridge at Henley, carved to represent the rivers Thames and Isis: completed in 1785, they...
Textual Production Amabel Williams-Ellis
AWE published, jointly with her son-in-law Euan Cooper-Willis , Laughing Gas and Safety Lamp, a biography for young people of Sir Humphry Davy that sets the inventor in his historical context.
British Book News. British Council.
(1951): 694
Travel Maria Edgeworth
After visiting Kilkenny (the furthest west she had been in Ireland), ME went on to Dublin, where she heard Sir Humphry Davy lecture.
Butler, Marilyn. Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography. Clarendon, 1972.


17 April 1799: Humphry Davy, then a young man, inhaled nitrous...

Building item

17 April 1799

Humphry Davy , then a young man, inhaled nitrous oxide in order to see what it would do to him: by the following year he had discovered and tested its anaesthetic effects.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Guardian Weekly.
(14-20 December 2000): 15

1802: Thomas Wedgwood (of the pottery family) and...

Building item


Thomas Wedgwood (of the pottery family) and Humphry Davy experimented with capturing images using silver nitrate; they almost invented photography.
Hannavy, John. Masters of Victorian Photography. David and Charles, 1976.
Jay, Mike. “Like Cooking a Dumpling”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 22, 20 Nov. 2014, pp. 25-6.


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