Bevil Quiller-Couch

Standard Name: Quiller-Couch, Bevil


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Dedications May Cannan
MC entitled her second collection The Splendid Days, Poems; she dedicated it to her dead fiancé, Bevil Quiller-Couch .
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. “Editorial Materials”. The Tears of War, edited by Charlotte Fyfe, Cavalier Books, 2000, p. Various pages.
Family and Intimate relationships Sir J. M. Barrie
Without children of his own, Barrie had a habit of monopolising the children of friends, for whom he invented elaborate games. Among children so situated were Bevil Quiller-Couch (who was later the fiancé of the...
Family and Intimate relationships May Cannan
Bevil Quiller-Couch arrived in Paris on leave and went straight to MC 's office; the moment she saw him she knew he was there to propose marriage.
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.
Family and Intimate relationships May Cannan
Five years after she was to have married Bevil Quiller-Couch , MC got married very quietly,
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.
at Camden Hill in London, to Percival James Slater (PJ); the wedding was the...
Family and Intimate relationships May Cannan
One of MC 's three best friends was almost certainly Bevil Quiller-Couch , son of her father's ex-pupil and close friend Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch . The father, called Q, was a leader in the...
Family and Intimate relationships May Cannan
MC kept the letters which Bevil Quiller-Couch had sent her from the front, and transcribed on a typewriter his letters to his parents from the army, those sent by his army friends after his death...
Literary responses May Cannan
Bevil Quiller-Couch wrote that of the books he had read at the Front (more books than during the rest of my life,
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.
including war novels and war poems), this was the only one...
Literary responses May Cannan
Bevil wrote, I love your letters and am more happy every time another arrives.
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.
Textual Production May Cannan
MC probably wrote the first of her letters to her future fiancé, Bevil Quiller-Couch , in early 1915.
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. “Editorial Materials”. The Tears of War, edited by Charlotte Fyfe, Cavalier Books, 2000, p. Various pages.
Not until after the engagement, that is after the war, did she write to him at...
Textual Production May Cannan
At the time of her brief engagement MC seems to have entertained the fantasy of treating the war in prose, as a love-token for Bevil Quiller-Couch . He wrote to her: When you write your...


No timeline events available.


Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. “Editorial Materials”. The Tears of War, edited by Charlotte Fyfe, Cavalier Books, 2000, p. Various pages.
Cannan, May, and Bevil Quiller-Couch. The Tears of War. Editor Fyfe, Charlotte, Cavalier Books, 2000.