Lucy Hutton

Standard Name: Hutton, Lucy
Birth Name: Lucy Molyneux
Pseudonym: The Authoress of Letters on the Antediluvian Females
Pseudonym: Sister
In her single extant, late eighteenth-century work, LH sounds like a trenchantly feminist theologian, a biblical and in some sense a literary critic. She chose the form of epistles for an earlier printed work which does not survive, and refers to the writing of familiar letters, which are also not apparently extant.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Agnes Wheeler
This proximity means that AW must surely have known another Beetham writer with proto-feminist opinions: Lucy Hutton , whose husband William Hutton, the rector, published his wife's Six Sermonicles after her death, and included...
Intertextuality and Influence Agnes Wheeler
She had begun work on this as soon as she moved back north. Her full title is The Westmorland Dialect, In three familiar dialogues, In which an attempt is made to illustrate the provincial idiom...
Occupation John Milton
As to poetry, Paradise Lost was quickly recognised as a classic. In 1674, while it was still a very recent text, Dryden praised it as undoubtedly one of the greatest, most noble, and most sublime...
politics John Milton
This is an argument which defends Milton's behaviour, and later Milton critics have offered different defences of him in the light of different ideas about what constitutes good behaviour in matters of gender. Meanwhile a...
Reception M. Marsin
Her writings do not appear to have reached a wide audience.
Burns, William E. “’By Him the Women will be delivered from that Bondage, which some has found intolerable’: M. Marsin, English Millenarian Feminist”. Eighteenth-Century Women: Studies in their Lives, Work, and Culture, edited by Linda V. Troost, Vol.
, 2001, pp. 19-38.
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography notes that MM is more outspokenly feminist than Quaker writers of her own day, though not than...
Textual Features Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins
The preface by L anticipates criticism, defends the title, and admits borrowing from Gilpin 's Hints for Sermons. LMH returns here to the much-discussed questions of women's education and social behaviour (she deplores the...


No timeline events available.


Hutton, Lucy. Six Sermonicles. W. Pennington, 1788.