R. N. Green-Armytage

Standard Name: Green-Armytage, R. N.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Constance Holme
A good friend of CH in later life was the book-collector R. N. Green-Armytage . Her correspondence with him (which sustained the relationship) is now at the University of Tulsa . She was also a...
Literary responses Constance Holme
Green-Armytage and his wife and son read the plays with enthusiasm.
“The Constance Holme Letters 1932-1954”. University of Tulsa: McFarlin Library: Department of Special Collections.
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Literary responses Constance Holme
In 1934 R. N. Green-Armytage delighted CH by saying really wonderful things about Crump Folk Going Home, and particularly by liking her preface (in the new World's Classics edition).
“The Constance Holme Letters 1932-1954”. University of Tulsa: McFarlin Library: Department of Special Collections.
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A reprint of...
Material Conditions of Writing Constance Holme
In 1934 she told R. N. Green-Armytage that this novel was written in the sheer desperation of necessity—though she affirmed that she did take pains over it.
“The Constance Holme Letters 1932-1954”. University of Tulsa: McFarlin Library: Department of Special Collections.
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Textual Production Constance Holme
Late in life CH wrote, it is not easy for a woman to be the simple and natural devotée of an art as a man can. I have had to be house wife, agent's...
Textual Production Constance Holme
CH published Four One-Act Plays, her only venture into print with this genre; she sent a copy to R. N. Green-Armytage on 23 September.
“The Constance Holme Letters 1932-1954”. University of Tulsa: McFarlin Library: Department of Special Collections.
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Textual Production Constance Holme
Many of her poems later appeared in the magazine Country Life. She sometimes sent verses in letters to her friends. At the end of 1942 she thanked R. N. Green-Armytage for liking some she...


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