William Charles Macready

Standard Name: Macready, William Charles


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Ann Hatton
She dedicated this work to another theatrical acquaintance, William Macready , dramatist and manager of the Bristol, Cardiff, and Swansea theatres.
Family and Intimate relationships Una Troubridge
Sir Henry Taylor , UT 's paternal grandfather, was a poet and playwright whose verses were admired by Wordsworth and whose plays (Victorian melodrama) were performed by the famous actor William Charles Macready . Taylor's...
Friends, Associates Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton first Baron Lytton
His friends included Benjamin Disraeli , Charles Dickens , John Forster , and Thomas Babington Macaulay . Later in life he conducted a long, mentoring friendship by letter with Mary Elizabeth Braddon . He also...
Friends, Associates Jane Welsh Carlyle
As his fame grew, Thomas was increasingly invited to the homes of London's political and intellectual elite, while Jane moved in her own social circle, which included Charles Dickens , John Forster , Giuseppe Mazzini
Friends, Associates Adelaide Procter
AP 's parents entertained a circle of well-known literary personages, including Leigh Hunt , William Hazlitt , Thomas Moore , Wordsworth , Tennyson , Longfellow , and Henry James . Intimates of the household included...
Friends, Associates Matilda Hays
By her twenties, MH was well-acquainted with several prominent figures in England's social, political, and literary scene. Her circle included Mary Howitt , Eliza Meteyard , William Charles Macready , Samuel Laurence , Geraldine Jewsbury
Friends, Associates Geraldine Jewsbury
Other friends and acquaintances of the Jewburys in Manchester included the journalists Alexander Ireland and Thomas Ballantyne , Francis Espinasse , educational reformer William Ballantyne Hodgson , historian William Hepworth Dixon (whose daughter Ella provided...
Friends, Associates Mary Russell Mitford
Another group of MRM 's friends were literary and also theatrical men: Barry Cornwall , Allan Cunningham , the Rev. Alexander Dyce , and William Macready .
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Besides Sir William Elford (who had been a...
Intertextuality and Influence Matilda Hays
MH and Ashurst began their undertaking with encouragement from George Henry Lewes and William Macready , both of whom were acquainted with Sand. Lewes strongly advised that in her translations MH should make the works...
Literary responses Mary Russell Mitford
Macready praised the play, but then undermined the value of his own praise, calling it a wonderful tragedy—an extraordinary tragedy for a woman to have written.
qtd. in
Pigrome, Stella. “Mary Russell Mitford”. The Charles Lamb Bulletin, Vol.
, Charles Lamb Society, Apr. 1989, pp. 53-62.
Its popularity in London was such as to...
Material Conditions of Writing Mary Russell Mitford
She began writing tragedies (after seeing Macready on stage) before her father's financial losses compelled her to take up less prestigious but potentially better-paying genres as well. She was encouraged by Thomas Noon Talfourd ...
Occupation Sarah Flower Adams
In addition to writing hymns, SFA attempted a stage career: she aimed to develop both musical and dramatic skills. Eliza Bridell Fox notes that the aspiring performer possessed a rich contralto voice.
Thesing, William B., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 199. Gale Research, 1999.
199: 4
Publishing Isabel Hill
She had submitted it for production to Charles Kemble , but although he and W. C. Macready both thought highly of it, he did not accept it for the theatre.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Publishing Mary Russell Mitford
MRM wrote her first attempt, Fiesco, in early 1821, inspired (like Hannah Cowley ) by seeing a mediocre tragedy which she felt she could outdo.
Mitford, Mary Russell. The Life of Mary Russell Mitford: Told by Herself in Letters To Her Friends. Editor L’Estrange, Alfred Guy Kingham, Harper and Brothers, 1870, 2 vols.
1: 354, 356
Rejected by Macready , it survives...
Textual Production Robert Browning
This historical drama of clandestine love in the eighteenth century closed after only three performances. The ongoing struggles between RB and the Drury Lane manager, William Macready , were pivotal to Browning's decision not to...


7 June 1810: William Charles Macready (son of an actress...

Building item

7 June 1810

William Charles Macready (son of an actress and an actor-manager) began his successful acting career as Romeo in a performance in Birmingham; he became a specialist in Shakespeare an roles.
“William Charles Macready (1793-1873)”. Theatre Database.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.

26 February 1851: William Macready made his famous farewell...

Building item

26 February 1851

William Macready made his famous farewell performance at the Drury Lane Theatre wearing the black suit of a gentleman in place of his costume as Macbeth.
Booth, Michael R. Theatre in the Victorian Age. Cambridge University Press, 1991.
22, 99


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