Her father, Tanneguy Le Fèvre
, was a humanist scholar who at the time of her birth was secretary to the governor of Langres. From 1651 to October 1670 he taught at the Protestant academy...
Textual Features
Anne Dacier
She did not adopt, however, her father's concept of Sappho. She says that she will defend Sappho's reputation against her detractors, and does so by a version of the great poet which is quite different...
Textual Production
Anne Dacier
The Dauphin (later, after his son joined the queue for the succession, the grand Dauphin) was Louis of France (1661-1711). The history of Rome by Florus is condensed but vainglorious. AD
identified herself on this...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Anne Dacier
Its preface includes AD
's grateful celebration of her father
for providing her with a learned education in spite of her gender.