Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Standard Name: Hopkins, Gerard Manley
, whose desire to publish his poetry was frustrated in his Victorian lifetime by his Jesuit
superiors, was first published in 1918 by his trusted friend and informal archivist Robert Bridges
. During the twentieth century his difficult work became canonical and revered. His journals and letters have also recently received high praise.
She found school work (at Byron House school in Highgate and then at the highly academic North London Collegiate
) difficult. She always got an A for English essays, although she would write a short...
Elizabeth Jennings
At university as at school, she was a voracious reader of poetry, feeling the influence in particular of John Donne
, Gerard Manley Hopkins
, and Robert Graves
went on to receive an MA in English literature from University College
, Cork. She says that her generation was brought up on poets like Donne
and Hopkins
McDonald, Roxanne. “Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin”. Guide to Literary Masters & Their Works, Salem Press, Jan. 2007.
Bryce, Colette. “Making a Poem: Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin”. Mslexia, Vol.
, 2010, p. 22.
Michèle Roberts
She chose the medieval option. Her tutor was Rosemary Woolf
, and she studied no authors later than Shakespeare
. She reports the results of this in two different ways. In one version the course...
Poetry was a force in RP
's life long before she sought publication as a poet. She wrote her first poem at three. At seventeen or eighteen she was deeply influenced by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Intertextuality and Influence
Seamus Heaney
When SH
, then a schoolteacher, began writing poetry in the 1960s, one of his models was the Anglo-Saxon poetry studied on his degree course. When contemplating a translation from that language years later he...
Intertextuality and Influence
Anita Desai
's work weaves together a wide range of cultural and literary references: the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgîtâ, as well as such European authors as E. M. Forster
, T. S. Eliot
, Dickinson
Intertextuality and Influence
Nan Shepherd
's foreword mentions a great deal that has happened in the thirty years since this book was written, although those years are the flicker of an eyelid in the life of a mountain: the...
Intertextuality and Influence
Christina Rossetti
was mourned in a sonnet by Michael Field
shortly after her death. Her influence extended to many other poets of her own time or close to it, including Gerard Manley Hopkins
, Rosamund Marriott Watson
Intertextuality and Influence
Adrienne Rich
As usual with Rich, the six sections of this book fuse the poetic with the political (as reflected in her allusions to Gerard Manley Hopkins
, Walter Benjamin
, Homer
, Keats
). The first...
Walter Pater
After graduating with a second-class Oxford degree from Queen's
in December 1862, WP
returned to London with his sisters. His early attempts to gain a clerical fellowship failed, but in February 1864 he returned to...
Textual Features
Lilian Bowes Lyon
Cecil Day Lewis
takes these to represent her middle period, side-tracked from her true bent by the compelling mannerisms of Hopkins
and the more public preoccupations of the 'thirties, and therefore showing a sense of...
Textual Features
Lilian Bowes Lyon
heard an echo of Gerard Manley Hopkins
in some of her compounds, like oat-field's silver-water sail.
qtd. in
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge, 1996.
This collection reveals the strands of imagery and thematic concerns that bind her work together. The last...
Textual Features
Elizabeth Jennings
Every Changing Shape was reprinted in 1996 by Carcanet Press
with a foreword by Michael Schmidt
. It collects essays on Christian writers and mystics that address the way that faith informs the creative imagination...
No timeline events available.
Hopkins, Gerard Manley. “Introduction to the Third Edition”. Poems, edited by W. H. Gardner et al., Oxford University Press, 1956, p. xiii - xxvi.