François Mercure Baron Van Helmont

Standard Name: Van Helmont, François Mercure,,, Baron
Used Form: Francois Mercure, Baron Van Helmont
Used Form: Francis Mercury von Helmont


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Anne Conway
Whether completed at this time or not until the year following, this conversion or 'convincement was a momentous choice. Most Quakers were markedly AC 's social inferiors (and would be seen by her husband, for...
Friends, Associates Anne Conway
The scholar and traveller François Mercure Van Helmont had arrived at Ragley, where he came as physician to AC , and stayed to live as her protégé.
According to Marjorie Hope Nicolson , he...
Friends, Associates Anne Conway
Anne Finch (later AC ) became a friend and correspondent of the philosopher Henry More , whom she probably met through her elder half-brother, John, who had been his student at Cambridge. More was a...
Material Conditions of Writing Anne Conway
After she died, More and Van Helmont planned to lose no time in publishing the contents of this notebook, written abruptly and scatteredly . . . in a Paper-Book, with a Black-lead Pen, which she...
Textual Production Anne Conway
It had taken More and Van Helmont a decade to organise this publication. By that time Van Helmont's thinking was under attack and he may have intended Conway as an ally.
Hutton, Sarah. Anne Conway: A Woman Philosopher. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
These scholars' Latin...


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