Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Marion Moss
Standard Name: Moss, Marion
Birth Name: Marion Moss
Indexed Name: The Misses Moss of the Hebrew Nation
Married Name: Hartog, Marion
Marion Moss
, along with her sister Celia
, put forward in print a two-sided message. On the one hand they called for greater understanding among Christians of Jewish culture and greater toleration (in the context of early Victorian legal and civil restrictions). On the other they advocated that Jewish women should be emancipated from religious institutions and practices into greater autonomy and a higher level of education. Their voices were among the first to put forward these arguments. MM
was a teacher, poet, short-story writer, and founder and editor of the first Jewish women's periodical, the Jewish Sabbath Journal.
She and her sister Marion
amused their family by telling them fairy tales. Their father
, while willing to accept oral story-telling, felt that writing the stories down was arrogating an unfeminine authority. He threatened...
Family and Intimate relationships
Celia Moss
Novelist and educator Marion Moss
, with whom she co-authored a number of her works, was among her eleven siblings.
Galchinsky, Michael. The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer. Wayne State University Press, 1996.
Another sister, Alice Marks, brought up eight children after her husband's death (the youngest...
Intertextuality and Influence
Grace Aguilar
Critic Michael Galchinsky
reads the story as a response to the more feminist treatment of cross-dressing in the stories of Marion
and Celia Moss
. GA
describes her heroine as having disobeyed the positive command...
Intertextuality and Influence
Grace Aguilar
Michael Galchinsky
argues that GA
abandoned her earlier favourite genre of historical romance in favour of domestic fiction because of the transgressive or utopian tendencies of the romance genre in English. These tendencies had been...
Literary responses
Charlotte Montefiore
In an article in the Jewish Chronicle two years afterCM
died, Abraham Benisch
wrote in praise of nineteenth-century Jewish women writers. He asserted that it is a remarkable phenomenon on the horizon of Anglo-Jewish...
Celia Moss
Following an illness that incapacitated their father, and with the encouragement of local MP George Staunton
, CM
and her sister Marion
were able to provide financial support to their family through sales of their...
Author summary
Celia Moss
Celia Moss
was a short-story writer and poet who began her career as a collaborator with her sister Marion
. Her works focus on Jewish culture and spirituality, while querying the early Victorian construction of...
Celia Moss
In 1839 CM
, along with her sister Marion
, published by subscription a collection of poetry entitled Early Efforts.
Textual Production
Celia Moss
wrote this work during her long and painful last illness.
In the preface of the only collection she published independently of her sister
, CM
noted that she felt a need to educate both...
Textual Production
Grace Aguilar
In April 1846 Leeser
's The Occident, and American Jewish Advocate printed (as well as its review of The Women of Israel, and work by both Celia
and Marion Moss
) GA
's poem...
Textual Production
Celia Moss
Sisters Celia
and Marion Moss
published their second collection of historical romances, Tales of Jewish History.
Zatlin, Linda Gertner. The Nineteenth-Century Anglo-Jewish Novel. Twayne, 1981.
Textual Production
Celia Moss
In 1840 CM
and her sister
released their first collection of historical romances: The Romance of Jewish History.
Galchinsky, Michael. The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer. Wayne State University Press, 1996.