Stella Bowen

Standard Name: Bowen, Stella


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Butts
MB came from a well-to-do English family with strong connections to the arts. After her father died, however, her mother's mismanagement of his fortune, combined with Mary's own difficulty in managing money, left her constantly...
Family and Intimate relationships Jean Rhys
When they first met, JR was thirty-four and looked twenty, while Ford was fifty, fat and wheezing.
Angier, Carole. Jean Rhys: Life and Work. Little, Brown, 1990.
She moved in with Ford and his common-law wife, Stella Bowen , and became embroiled in a painful triangle.
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Hunt
VH marked several points of decline in her relationship with Ford . She told Rebecca West that Ford was somewhat repelled
Belford, Barbara. Violet. Simon and Schuster, 1990.
by her after he learned in 1914 that she had syphilis. She also...
Family and Intimate relationships Ford Madox Ford
FMF began an affair with novelist Jean Rhys , who moved in with Ford and his common-law wife, Stella Bowen , for a time.
Angier, Carole. Jean Rhys: Life and Work. Little, Brown, 1990.
131, 133, 156-7
Family and Intimate relationships Ford Madox Ford
In 1919 he met and began an affair with the Australian painter Stella Bowen (with whom he had a daughter, Esther Julia ). It was probably in connection with this relationship that he changed his...
Material Conditions of Writing Jean Rhys
The book was published after her affair with Ford was over, and it was written in revenge for Ford's leaving her. All four parties to their relationship (Rhys, her first husband , Ford, and Ford's...
Occupation Ford Madox Ford
After months of negotiation, FMF and Ezra Pound persuaded patron John Quinn to finance the new review. Quinn, who was angry with James Joyce over issues involving manuscripts, demanded that Joyce should be excluded from...
Residence Ford Madox Ford
FMF moved to Paris with his common-law wife, Australian Stella Bowen , and their daughter Esther Julia .
Stang, Sondra J., editor. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Ford Madox Ford Reader, Carcanet, 1986, p. various pages.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Travel Ford Madox Ford
After he had been living for four years in France (scene of his relationships with Stella Bowen and Jean Rhys and of his editorship of the transatlantic review) FMF travelled to the United States...


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