John Rodker

Standard Name: Rodker, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Butts
MB ended this relationship after she met the poet John Rodker while working for the National Council Against Conscription .
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Rogers became so distressed that she threatened, on 25 July 1916, to report...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Butts
MB was married for the first time, in London, to the Jewish poet, publisher, and conscientious objector John Rodker .
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
Blondel, Nathalie, and Mary Butts. “Introduction”. The Journals of Mary Butts, edited by Nathalie Blondel and Nathalie Blondel, Yale University Press, 2002, pp. 1-41.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Butts
After reading her diary and discovering her infidelity with Cecil Maitland (and not long after the birth of their child), John Rodker left MB .
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Literary responses Dorothy Richardson
Some of Richardson's readers considered that she, like Joyce , focused more than necessary on the seamier details of life. Reviewers were not altogether impressed by this novel. Reviewing Richardson again in the Athenæum in...
Occupation Mary Butts
After their marriage, MB worked with her husband, John Rodker , running the Ovid Press .
“John Rodker, 1894-1955, Biographical Sketch”. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin: HRC Research.
Blondel, Nathalie, and Nathalie Blondel. “Foreword”. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life: A Biography, McPherson, 1998, p. xv - xix.
politics Mary Butts
MB was a pacifist who sympathised strongly with the position of conscientious objectors. Believing that conscription was a sign of the collective insanity that has come over the world,
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company, 1998.
she supported her companion (later...
Publishing James Joyce
A second edition, for export to England and the United States, was published by John Rodker for the Egoist Press in October 1922.
Textual Features Mary Butts
Nick Kralin, one of the central characters of the novel, was modelled on MB 's former husband John Rodker . The heroine, Felicity Taverner, is already dead at the beginning of the novel. Kralin, a...
Textual Production T. S. Eliot
TSE published another volume of poetry, titled with the Provençal words Ara Vos Prec, with John Rodker at the Ovid Press .
Gallup, Donald Clifford. T.S. Eliot: A Bibliography. Rev. and extended ed., Harcourt, Brace, 1969.
Ackroyd, Peter. T.S. Eliot. Hamish Hamilton, 1984.
Textual Production Ezra Pound
EP 's second volume of cantos, A Draft of the Cantos 17-27 of Ezra Pound, was published in London by John Rodker .
Nadel, Ira Bruce, editor. “Chronology; Introduction”. The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. xvii - xxxi; 1.
Textual Production Ezra Pound
It was published by John Rodker 's Ovid Press .
Textual Production Ella K. Maillart
EKM 's second travel book (published in French as Des Monts Célestes aux Sables Rouges seven months before this) was translated into English by John Rodker as Turkestan Solo: One Woman's Expedition from the Tien...


No timeline events available.


Maillart, Ella K. Turkestan Solo. Translator Rodker, John, Putnam, 1934.