John Henry Ingram

Standard Name: Ingram, John Henry
Used Form: John H. Ingram


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Sarah Lewis
SL was a friend of Adelaide Ristori (an Italian tragedy actress who married into the nobility and achieved an international reputation) and of novelists Alexandre Dumas the younger , and George Sand , among others...
Literary responses Eliza Cook
But her death notice in the Englishwoman's Review noted that few of the rising generation would recognise her name, and (picking up on the language of the Times obituary) accounted for the fact that her...
Reception Sarah Lewis
According to John H. Ingram , Poe was presented with the manuscript before its publication. At the same time he received $100 from the Lewises, which he badly needed, and which seems to have been...
Reception Ann Radcliffe
Christina Rossetti agreed to write on AR , for a fee of £50, in John H. Ingram 's Eminent Women series, but in September she gave the project up, in despair about finding information.
Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udolpho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. Leicester University Press, 1999.
Textual Production Mathilde Blind
MB published her George Eliot, the first life in the Eminent Women Series conceived by John H. Ingram , and the first biography of her subject (just ahead of that by John Walter Cross


No timeline events available.


Ingram, John Henry. Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters, and Opinions. AMS Press, 1971.