Jack Loudan

Standard Name: Loudan, Jack


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Amanda McKittrick Ros
AMKR was a friend of Jack Loudan , who completed her last novel, Helen Huddleson, after her death and who wrote her biography. She corresponded regularly for ten years with T. S. Mercer after...
Literary responses Amanda McKittrick Ros
At St John's College, Cambridge , for instance, there flourished an Amanda Ros Club, whose members amused themselves by trying to write in the Amanda style.
Loudan, Jack, and T. Stanley Mercer. O Rare Amanda!. 2nd ed., Chatto and Windus, 1969.
Another such organisation, the Amanda Ros Society, formed...
Occupation Amanda McKittrick Ros
She began to manage this concern for a friend of her husband's named Crawford, who was ill and who came to live with them during his convalescence. When he died, AMKR was the main inheritor...
Publishing Amanda McKittrick Ros
AMKR 's husband, Andrew Ross , paid for the printing of her first novel, at Belfast, as a gift on their tenth wedding anniversary.
Ros, Amanda McKittrick. “Introduction”. Thine in Storm and Calm, edited by Frank Ormsby, Blackstaff Press, 1988, pp. 1-22.
As biographer Jack Loudan puts it, she persuaded him...
Reception Amanda McKittrick Ros
Biographer Jack Loudan considers this collection the least important of her works.
Loudan, Jack, and T. Stanley Mercer. O Rare Amanda!. 2nd ed., Chatto and Windus, 1969.
Textual Production Amanda McKittrick Ros
AMKR was vitriolic in her denunciations of critics—especially Barry Pain , who had criticized her first novel and whom, as a consequence, she despised for a lifetime. She described critics as, among many other things,...
Textual Production Amanda McKittrick Ros
AMKR 's third novel, Helen Huddleson, unpublished in her lifetime, appeared posthumously, edited and with a final chapter by Jack Loudan .
British Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1874–1987.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
Textual Production Amanda McKittrick Ros
A Dublin man, John Coghlan (who had written to AMKR after the publication of the Nonesuch edition of Irene Iddesleigh) was reading the manuscript of what became this book by 1935. He made suggestions...


No timeline events available.


Ros, Amanda McKittrick. Helen Huddleson. Editor Loudan, Jack, Chatto and Windus, 1969.
Loudan, Jack, and T. Stanley Mercer. O Rare Amanda!. 2nd ed., Chatto and Windus, 1969.