Rosamund Clifford

Standard Name: Clifford, Rosamund
Used Form: Rosamond Clifford
Used Form: Fair Rosamond
Used Form: Fair Rosamund


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Boyle
MB claimed relationship on her mother's side with Rosamund or Rosamond Clifford , the legendary Fair Rosamond who was mistress to Henry II .
Boyle, Mary. Mary Boyle. Her Book. Editor Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund, E. P. Dutton; John Murray, 1902.
Literary Setting Elizabeth Helme
The important nunnery at Godstow near Oxford, standing beside the River Thames, was the supposed place of retirement for the penitent mistress of Henry II , Rosamund Clifford or the Fair Rosamond. The...
Publishing Margaret Oliphant
The Cornhill Magazine published MO 's story Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamund.
Greenfield, John R., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 159. Gale Research, 1996.
159: 258
Textual Features Sarah Pearson
None of the poems here was included in the volume of 1790; several of them bear the date of 1795, like the closing Rosamond to Henry the Second , During her Confinement at Woodstock...
Textual Production Mary Russell Mitford
MRM saw herself as a professional dramatist, and in the tradition of that metier she was always alert for stories of distant origin, or forgotten or unfinished plays by others, which might be reworked for...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Michael Field
Fair Rosamund chronicles the legend of young Rosamund 's tragic love for Henry II, King of England . In the end Rosamund, now the king's mistress stabs herself with a knife given to her by...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Elizabeth Jenkins
The ten women here share varying degrees and varying combinations of sexual, political, or literary notoriety. Two of them—Elizabeth Inchbald and Lady Blessington —hold the status of professional authors. Two more—Becky Wells (whom...


12 October 1597: Michael Drayton's England's Heroicall Epistles...

Writing climate item

12 October 1597

Michael Drayton 's England's Heroicall Epistles was entered in the Stationers' Register ; it appeared the same year.
Drayton, Michael. Minor Poems of Michael Drayton. Editor Brett, Cyril, Clarendon Press, 1907.
Arber, Edward, editor. A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London 1554-1660, A. D. Privately Printed, 1875–1894, 5 vols.


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