Thomas Calderwood

Standard Name: Calderwood, Thomas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Margaret Calderwood
MC died, only eight months after her husband 's death had left her a widow.
Calderwood, Margaret. “L’envoi”. Letters and Journals, edited by Alexander Fergusson, David Douglas, 1884, pp. 353-78.
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Calderwood
Margaret Steuart married Thomas Calderwood , a landowner gifted with a talent for languages who was said by his wife's editor to be a good easy-going man, somewhat indolent,
Calderwood, Margaret. “To the Reader; Introductory Chapter”. Letters and Journals, edited by Alexander Fergusson, David Douglas, 1884, p. vii - lviii.
who developed the habit...
Travel Margaret Calderwood
MC , with her husband , two young sons, and two servants (Peggy Rainy and John Rattry or Rattray ), set out from Polton on their journey towards the German Spa (now in Belgium...
Travel Margaret Calderwood
MC and her husband , brother , sister-in-law , and their sons left Spa for Brussels in Belgium, since young Jamie Calderwood was ill, and they had no confidence in their ability to communicate with a German doctor.
Calderwood, Margaret. Letters and Journals. David Douglas, 1884.


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