Agnes Giberne

Standard Name: Giberne, Agnes
Birth Name: Agnes Giberne
Pseudonym: A. G.
Pseudonym: Aunt Agnes
Pseudonym: The Author of Willie and Lucy at the Sea-side
In a publishing career that spanned nearly forty years of the nineteenth century and a couple of decades of the twentieth, AG issued more than 108 books. Her bibliography is still not properly elucidated, since most of her books appeared undated; many went through several editions; and so many copies were read to pieces that some editions or reprints have left no examples surviving.They include tales and storiesfor young adults, historicalfiction, pioneering popular science books, scholarship, an important biography, and religious writing.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Maria Tucker
Charlotte Maria was particularly close to her sister Laura Hamilton , to whom she addressed the letters that Agnes Giberne later used in writing her biography. Laura's son contributed a preface.
Giberne, Agnes, and W. F. Tucker Hamilton. A Lady of England. Hodder and Stoughton, 1895.
v, 10
Hamilton, W. F. Tucker, and Agnes Giberne. “Preface”. A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker, Hodder and Stoughton, 1895, p. vii - viii.
Friends, Associates Edna Lyall
On her first visit to Norway, EL met and embarked on what became a lifelong friendship with the Welsh renowned singer
Escreet, J. M. The Life of Edna Lyall. Longmans, Green and Co., 1904.
Mary Davies . Her other friends who themselves were writers were George Macdonald
Literary responses Charlotte Maria Tucker
Agnes Giberne regarded Pride and His Prisoners as one of CMT 's rather higher flights, containing stirring scenes, drawn with dramatic power.
Giberne, Agnes, and W. F. Tucker Hamilton. A Lady of England. Hodder and Stoughton, 1895.
Literary responses Charlotte Maria Tucker
Agnes Giberne believed that this book fictionalized spiritual struggles from CMT 's own life.
Giberne, Agnes, and W. F. Tucker Hamilton. A Lady of England. Hodder and Stoughton, 1895.
Canon Edwin Collas Dawson later remembered with delight how its dauntless hero [of] breathless adventures wrapped the meaning and moral...
Publishing Hesba Stretton
As a result of her involvement with the Friends of Russian Freedom , HS published several books on Russian themes, most notably The Highway of Sorrow at the Close of the Nineteenth Century (1894...
Textual Features Edna Lyall
Using the standard first-person plural EL admits that in general missionary literature has no attractions for us, but is on the contrary a severe trial.
It would be interesting to know what response she received...
Textual Production Charlotte Maria Tucker
The earliest of CMT 's juvenile plays was a historical one, The Iron Mask, which she finished in 1839 and dedicated to her father with thanks for his help with the plot and characters....
Textual Production Charlotte Maria Tucker
CMT wrote another group of plays in 1847 and 1850: The Castle of Sternalt, a two-act, blank-verse tragedy set in the days of the English Civil War, Grimhaggard Hall, a modern farce...


No timeline events available.


Giberne, Agnes, and W. F. Tucker Hamilton. A Lady of England. Hodder and Stoughton, 1895.
Giberne, Agnes. Beside the Waters of Comfort. Seeley, 1892.
Giberne, Agnes. Beside the Waters of Comfort. Sixth Edition, Seeley, 1911.
Marshall, H. J., and Agnes Giberne. Capitalism and the Common Good. Printed for the London Municipal Society and Ratepayers’ Union, 1929.
Giberne, Agnes, and Arthur W. Robinson. Glimpses of Christ. Skeffington and Son, 1912.
Giberne, Agnes. Gwendoline. Religious Tract Society, 1885.
Giberne, Agnes. Jock with Mousie. Religious Tract Society, 1928.
Giberne, Agnes, and Dudley Tennant. Little "Why-Because". Religious Tract Society, 1907.
Giberne, Agnes. Mignonette. 1869.
Giberne, Agnes, and Edgar Giberne. Miss Con. J. Nisbet, 1887.
Giberne, Agnes. Miss Devereux, Spinster. Longmans, 1891, 2 vols.
Giberne, Agnes. Nigel Browning. Longmans, 1890.
Hamilton, W. F. Tucker, and Agnes Giberne. “Preface”. A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker, Hodder and Stoughton, 1895, p. vii - viii.
Giberne, Agnes. Profit and Loss. Religious Tract Society, 1909.
Giberne, Agnes. Stories of the Abbey Precincts. Religious Tract Society, 1902.
Giberne, Agnes, and Charles Pritchard. Sun, Moon, and Stars. Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1880.
Giberne, Agnes. Sweetbriar. Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 1882.
Giberne, Agnes. The Curate’s Home. Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 1869.
Giberne, Agnes, and Joseph Finnemore. The Girl at the Dower House and Afterward. W. and R. Chambers, 1896.
Giberne, Agnes, and Flavel Smith Cook. The Mists of the Valley. 1874.
Giberne, Agnes, and Charles Henry Robinson. Val and his Friends. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1911.