Deirdre David

Standard Name: David, Deirdre


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Harriet Martineau
Valerie Kossew Pichanick wrote an account of HM 's life and work in 1980, as did Gillian Thomas , 1985. Valerie Sanders 's Reason Over Passion, 1986, was the first major study of her...
Literary responses Margaret Forster
Robert Martin in the Times Literary Supplement praised the biography as understatedly daring, and noted that its picture of Barrett Browning was, if not more lovable, far more complex and infinitely more interesting than previous...
Reception Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The first monograph feminist studies of EBB were by Helen Cooper , 1988, and Angela Leighton ,1989. Other significant studies have appeared by Deirdre David (in Intellectual Women and Victorian Patriarchy, 1987), Glennis Stephenson (later Byron)
Reception Olivia Manning
Deirdre David has called A Scantling of Foxesan amazing tale of sadism, male obsession, and female suffering, its depiction of sexual pathology derived doubtless from Olivia's readings in Havelock Ellis .
David, Deirdre. Olivia Manning: A Woman at War. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Reception Olivia Manning
Deirdre David 's literary biography, Olivia Manning: A Woman at War, 2012, is the first.


No timeline events available.


David, Deirdre. Intellectual Women and Victorian Patriarchy. Cornell University Press, 1987.
David, Deirdre. Olivia Manning: A Woman at War. Oxford University Press, 2012.