
Standard Name: Cetshwayo
Used Form: Cetewayo


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Florence Dixie
In South Africa FD remembered warmly, even sentimentally, her childhood meeting with the Prince Imperial (son of Louis-Napoleon of France, an early anglophile) whom she had met as a child and who had died fighting...
Literary responses Florence Dixie
Her position on Cetshwayo and the Zulus aroused furious controversy, with letters to the newspapers from [e]veryone who had ever been to Zululand, and a great many who had not.
Roberts, Brian. Ladies in the Veld. John Murray, 1965.
Lord Chelmsford , Commander-in-Chief...
politics Florence Dixie
Her visit to Zululand was undertaken at the request of King Cetshwayo , and once there she caused consternation among British officials by attempting to sound out local Zulu opinion about his removal from rule...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Florence Dixie
Some of her most opinionated and impassioned foreign reporting was written at the end of her African visit: an account of her final meeting with the deposed Zulu King Cetshwayo , and a call...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Anne Barker
MAB 's discussion of schools leads her into an account of a visit made by the Norwegian missionary, Bishop Schreuder , to a later Zulu chief, Cetshwayo , taken from a blue-book or government report...


11 January-4 July 1879: Thousands were killed in the British war...

National or international item

11 January-4 July 1879

Thousands were killed in the British war against the Zulu under chief Cetewayo or Cetshwayo in Zululand (now KwaZulu-Natal), South Africa.
Cook, Chris, and John, 1946 - Stevenson. The Longman Handbook of Modern British History, 1714-1980. Longman, 1983.
Keller, Helen, editor. The Dictionary of Dates. Macmillan, 1934, 2 vols.
I: 761-2
Encyclopædia Britannica Online. http://www.britannica.com/.

22-3 January 1879: Early in the Zulu War, British troops met...

National or international item

22-3 January 1879

Early in the Zulu War, British troops met with gory triumph and with disaster. Zulus wiped out a regiment at Isandlwana or Isandhlwana; ten miles away a hundred and fifty British soldiers defended a...

5 August 1882: King Cetshwayo of Zululand, deposed by Britain...

National or international item

5 August 1882

King Cetshwayo of Zululand, deposed by Britain after the Zulu War of 1879, landed at Plymouth on a diplomatic visit to England.
Roberts, Brian. Ladies in the Veld. John Murray, 1965.
167-71, 181


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