Philip Hobsbaum

Standard Name: Hobsbaum, Philip


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Anne Stevenson
Correspondences by AS was published both by Wesleyan University Press and Oxford University Press .
Stevenson, Anne. Selected Poems, 1956-1986. Oxford University Press, 1987.
She worked on it from 1970, researching (while her husband, Mark Elvin , held an appointment at Harvard between...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Stevenson
AS , in Glasgow, left her husband, Mark Elvin , to live with the poet Philip Hobsbaum .
Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series. Gale Research, 1984–2025, Numerous volumes.
9: 285
Friends, Associates Seamus Heaney
A friendship that helped SH 's poetry was that with Philip Hobsbaum , who managed a living transplant of the 1960s Group from London to Belfast.
qtd. in
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
4048 (31 October 1980): 1222
Other friends included Irish...
Instructor Liz Lochhead
Around this time, LL participated in creative writing workshops: one run by Stephen Mulrine (Glasgow School of Art), another by critic and poet Philip Hobsbaum , a number of whose students subsequently made a name...
Literary responses Jeni Couzyn
Responses to this sequence are described below, under an illustrated reprint. Philip Hobsbaum has described A Time to Be Born as a document:
Hobsbaum, Philip. “Jeni Couzyn”. World Writers in English, edited by Jay Parini, Scribner, 2004, pp. 99-117.
as much a personal record as a poetic work.
Literary responses Anne Stevenson
AS says this book fell all but dead
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press, 1998.
from the press. But there were some good reviews in the USA, and the book was admired by Philip Hobsbaum , poet and lecturer at Glasgow .
Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series. Gale Research, 1984–2025, Numerous volumes.
9: 284
Literary responses Penelope Shuttle
This was panned in the Times Literary Supplement by Jane Miller . She saw it as overwritten, disfigured by the writer's passion for words, their sounds rather than their meanings. Never was a single adjective...
Literary responses Penelope Shuttle
In 2003 Philip Hobsbaum wrote that this book on a hitherto taboo subject has had a currency greater than the poems produced by either of them.
Hobsbaum, Philip. “Peter Redgrove: poet known as ’scientist of the strange’”. The Independent, 18 June 2003.
Occupation Seamus Heaney
SH began his teaching career as a schoolmaster, then moved on in 1966 to a lectureship in English Literature at Queen's University, Belfast . He was writing poetry by this time and facilitating the publication...
Occupation Frances Horovitz
MacBeth was an influential BBC producer responsible for several regular poetry programmes. The Doomsday Show, not published until 1965, established him as a poet in his own right, and he went on to publish...
Publishing Jeni Couzyn
The volume carried blurbs by distinguished names (Ted Hughes and Philip Hobsbaum ) and her own line drawings. Maggs Bros Rare Books recently advertised a copy inscribed to Kathleen Raine .
William and Nina Matheson Books, Inc.
“Alan Clodd Library”. Maggs Bros Rare Books.
Textual Production Penelope Shuttle
Though Philip Hobsbaum 's obituary for Peter Redgrove mentions The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense, 1987 (about the invisible forces that surround us and which are shut off by the prejudices of our...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Seamus Heaney
He begins here with short pieces about his childhood reading and moves on through his development as a poet, paying tribute to Philip Hobsbaum as an influence. He puts forward the idea that his poetry...


No timeline events available.


Hobsbaum, Philip. “Jeni Couzyn”. Contemporary Poets, edited by Thomas Riggs, 6th ed, St. James Press, 1996, pp. 196-8.
Hobsbaum, Philip. “Jeni Couzyn”. World Writers in English, edited by Jay Parini, Scribner, 2004, pp. 99-117.
Hobsbaum, Philip. “Peter Redgrove: poet known as ’scientist of the strange’”. The Independent.