Frances Mary Peard

Standard Name: Peard, Frances Mary
Birth Name: Frances Mary Peard
Pseudonym: F. M. P.
Indexed Name: Frances M. Peard
Pseudonym: The Author of One Year
FMP published more than forty books between 1867 and 1909, mostly domestic novels and short-story volumes. Much of her fiction is historical and much is set abroad; some is specifically aimed at younger readers. Many of her letters, like her exotic fiction, have the qualities of good travel writing. She wrote poetry only during her adolescence, except on a few private occasions.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Christabel Coleridge
In addition to her relationship with Charlotte Yonge , CC had a productive friendship with Mary Bramston . The move to Torquay made her one of a group of women writers in the area, all...
Friends, Associates Margaret Roberts
As well as her close friendship with Peard , living at Torquay made MR one of a circle of women writers which included Anna Drury , Christabel Coleridge , and (offstage, as it were) Charlotte Yonge
Friends, Associates Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton first Earl Lytton
His international travel and family ties to England's literary scene ensured him a wide social circle. He knew Charles Dickens , John Forster , and Frances Mary Peard . While living in Florence, he became...
Literary responses Christabel Coleridge
Mary J. Y. Harris (biographer of Frances Mary Peard ) regarded An English Squire as CC 's best novel, though she also mentioned Lady Betty (her first), Max, Fritz, and Hob, 1892, and The...
Literary responses Rebecca Harding Davis
The initial appearance of the novel met with mixed reviews. An article in Harper's, for instance, praised RHD for her strength in bringing together corporations, rings, and politics into her service for working...
Literary responses Margaret Roberts
Mary J. Y. Harris , biographer of Frances Mary Peard , calls this MR 's best-known novel, and says it was a favourite with Queen Victoria .
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
16, 63
Occupation Charlotte Yonge
They produced a hand-written journal called The Barnacle. They included Mary Coleridge (a poet, who was in at the group's founding), Christabel Coleridge (who became CY 's biographer), Frances Mary Peard , and Mary Augusta Arnold, later Mrs Humphry Ward
Residence Margaret Roberts
Early in her career as a published novelist, MR came to live at Torquay in Devon at about the same time as Frances Mary Peard and her mother also arrived there.
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
Textual Production Charlotte Yonge
Its full title was The Monthly Packet of Evening Readings for Younger Members of the English Church. Its circulation ran at about 1,500. It had no staff, no office, no fixed day of publication...


No timeline events available.


Peard, Frances Mary. Alicia Tennant. R. Bentley, 1886, 2 vols.
Peard, Frances Mary. Donna Teresa. Macmillan, 1899.
Peard, Frances Mary. Mother Molly. Bell and Sons, 1880.
Peard, Frances Mary. Near Neighbours. Bentley, 1885, 2 vols.
Peard, Frances Mary. One Year. F. Warne; Scribner, Welford, 1869.
Peard, Frances Mary. The Flying Months. Smith, Elder, 1909.
Peard, Frances Mary. The History of the Prayer Book. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1870.
Peard, Frances Mary. The Locked Desk. The National Society’s Depository.
Awdry, Frances et al. The Miz Maze. Macmillan, 1883.
Peard, Frances Mary. The Ring from Jaipur. Smith, Elder, 1904.
Peard, Frances Mary. The Rose-Garden. 1872.
Peard, Frances Mary. The Wood-Cart. J. and C. Mozley, 1867.
Peard, Frances Mary. Unawares. 1870.