Thomas Harris

Standard Name: Harris, Thomas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Elizabeth Inchbald
Thomas Harris was manager of the Covent Garden company.
Publishing Hannah Cowley
It was badly presented, by two of the cast in particular.
Escott, Angela, and Isobel Grundy. Email about supposed quarrel between Hannah Cowley and Hannah More to Isobel Grundy. 24 Oct. 2002.
It had been completed by 1777, but rejected by Thomas Harris of Covent Garden , who then produced Hannah More 's Percy instead. Tragedy...
Publishing Anna Maria Porter
Thomas Harris of Covent Garden Theatre visited AMP to compliment her on a play, The Runaways, which she had apparently submitted to him.
Davis, Tracy C. “The Sociable Playwright and Representative Citizen”. Women and Playwriting in Nineteenth-Century Britain, edited by Tracy C. Davis and Ellen Donkin, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 15-34.
Publishing Elizabeth Inchbald
A comedy by EI was licensed, but nothing more was heard of it after this, although Harris had advanced her twenty pounds on it.
Manvell, Roger. Elizabeth Inchbald: England’s Principal Woman Dramatist and Independent Woman of Letters in 18th Century London. University Press of America, 1987.
Publishing Elizabeth Inchbald
She was working on a farce again in December 1779, and a year after that she submitted another one, on the topic of polygamy, to Harris , who rejected it. Yet another farce, The Ancient...
Publishing Elizabeth Inchbald
This may have been the play she had submitted to Thomas Harris several years previously. Her friend Francis Twiss helped her with his critique of it in manuscript. The choice of title was not her...
Textual Production Frances Burney
Thomas Harris , manager of Covent Garden Theatre , informed FB 's brother Charles that he planned to stage her comedy Love and Fashion in March 1800.
Burney, Frances. The Complete Plays of Frances Burney. Editor Sabor, Peter, William Pickering, 1995, 2 vols.
1: 105
Textual Production Elizabeth Inchbald
As EI developed her playwriting career, she took advantage of the competitive rivalry between Harris at Covent Garden and Colman at the Haymarket to have her plays produced, offering scripts to one, then the other...
Textual Production Elizabeth Inchbald
This play provides a good example of Inchbald's meticulous attention to her working terms and conditions. Harris provided her with a rough translation of the original, Kotzebue 's Das Schreibepult (The Writing Desk)...
Violence Elizabeth Inchbald
According to EI 's friend John Taylor , Harris (who often made sexual advances towards his players) once attempted to rape her. She managed to escape after she grasped his hair and pulled with such...


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