Alfred Austin

Standard Name: Austin, Alfred


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Isa Blagden
Little is known of IB 's early life or parentage. Unsubstantiated rumours suggested that she was the illegitimate daughter of a white English father and an Indian mother.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.
The register of her burial, however...
Friends, Associates Frances Cornford
Frances's association with Rupert Brooke began with the rehearsals for the play and grew into friendship. They discussed their poetry with each other, and Frances counselled and consoled Rupert in his many love affairs. She...
Friends, Associates Violet Fane
VF made her mark on London's social life. She knew Robert Browning , Algernon Swinburne , Alexander William Kinglake , Alfred Austin , the Duchess of Argyll , James McNeil Whistler , and Lillie Langtry
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth von Arnim
In 1898, after reading Alfred Austin 's The Garden That I Love, EA set herself to writing about her daily life as a mother, wife, reader, and nature-lover at Nassenheide, her husband's ancestral estate...
Literary responses Isa Blagden
IB believed that her literary strength lay in poetic rather than prose composition, and critics William Raymond and Alfred Austin agreed with her appraisal.
Raymond, William O. “Our Lady of Bellosguardo: A Pastel Portrait”. University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol.
, 1943, pp. 446-63.
Austin, Alfred, and Isa Blagden. “Memoir”. Poems, William Blackwood and Sons, 1873.
Austin found her seven sonnets, The Seven Chords of...
Reception Alice Meynell
AM was twice nominated for the Poet Laureateship. The first time was in 1895 during the debate about a successor to Tennyson ; it was Patmore who nominated her and strenuously argued for her appointment...
Reception Isa Blagden
Henry James dismissed IB 's novels as the inevitable nice novel or two of the wandering English spinster.
qtd. in
West, Rebecca. Harriet Hume. Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1982.
IB 's texts have received scant critical attention, and the little which has been published frequently...
Textual Production Ouida
Ouida was granted a Civil List pension of £150 per year, largely through the efforts of Alfred Austin , George Wyndham , and Lady Paget .
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Textual Production Isa Blagden
Poems, a posthumous collection of IB 's poetry, was prepared by Alfred Austin and published by William Blackwood .
Blagden, Isa, and Alfred Austin. Poems. William Blackwood and Sons, 1873.


1835: Future poet laureate Alfred Austin was born...

Writing climate item


Future poet laureate Alfred Austin was born at Headingley.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Sutherland, John, b. 1938. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press, 1989.

1896-2 June 1913: Alfred Austin served as poet laureate from...

Writing climate item

1896-2 June 1913

Alfred Austin served as poet laureate from this year until his death. The post had been left vacant since Tennyson's death in October 1892.
The Concise Dictionary of National Biography: From Earliest Times to 1985. Oxford University Press, 1995, 3 vols.
Tennyson, Charles. Alfred Tennyson. MacMillan, 1949.


Austin, Alfred, and Isa Blagden. “Memoir”. Poems, William Blackwood and Sons, 1873.
Blagden, Isa, and Alfred Austin. Poems. William Blackwood and Sons, 1873.