Robert Barclay

Standard Name: Barclay, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Scott
However, a letter to her from Anna Seward of July 1792 sounds sympathetic, even pitying, about John Taylor's becoming a strict disciple of [Robert] Barclay .
Seward, Anna. Letters of Anna Seward. Editor Constable, Archibald, Vol.
6 vols.
, A. Constable, 1811, 6 vols.
3: 149
As Seward tells it, Taylor, in coming...
Education Mary Howitt
Mary learned by heart a central Quaker text, the seventeenth-century Barclay 's Catechism and Confession of Faith, even before going to school.
Dunicliff, Joy. Mary Howitt: Another Lost Victorian Writer. Excalibur Press of London, 1992.
Family and Intimate relationships Priscilla Wakefield
PW 's mother, born Catherine Barclay, was a grand-daughter of Robert Barclay the Quaker writer.
Friends, Associates Anne Conway
AC corresponded with and was visited by many leading members of the Society of Friends , among them Keith , Robert Barclay , Anne and George Whitehead , Isaac Penington , William Penn , and...
Intertextuality and Influence Sophia Hume
SH supplies her own commentary and link passages. Among the rather few women quoted are Elizabeth Ashbridge , Christian Barclay (wife of Robert Barclay ), and Anne Galloway (on education). Topics covered include Getting and...
Literary responses Elizabeth Bathurst
In a note in Quaker Studies, Nakano has compared and distinguished between EB 's soteriology (or doctrine of salvation) and that of Robert Barclay . He also pointed out that printer's errors in her...
Reception May Drummond
From the first, however, MD 's preaching was polarizing, attracting not only praise but also criticism more hostile than Cookworthy's. She was blamed for her social manner, for being visibly of a higher rank than...
Travel Margaret Fell
In summer 1677 MF travelled abroad: to Holland with George Fox, Robert Barclay , William Penn , her daughter Isabel Yeamans , and others. After that she made four more visits to London: in...


1678: Quaker theologian Robert Barclay's Apology...

Writing climate item


Quaker theologian Robert Barclay 's Apology for the True Christian Divinity was first published in English, by the Sowle Press .
Bracken, James K., and Joel Silver, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 170. Gale Research, 1996.


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